TDP Aftermath V: It's Been Eons

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(Aftermath intro)

Vaporeon: I'm your host Vaporeon!

Flareon: And I'm the other host, Flareon.

Both: And welcome to Total Drama Aftermath!

Vaporeon: You thought it wasn't happening this season huh? Well think again.

Flareon: Since we were fan favorites-

Vaporeon: Deservedly.

Flareon: Victini let us-

Vaporeon: Paid us.

Flareon: Shush. Paid us to host. Not only that but the other cool folks who aren't in this season are here too!

(Pans to Delphox and Meowth asleep and Pichu still trapped in a tank)

Vaporeon: Wow, what a...lively crowd.

Flareon: Don't worry we have a few guests coming in first up...last season's winner and this season's quitter, Pikachu!

Vaporeon: Actually, Pikachu isn't here. He's been MIA for a while.

Flareon: Tell him I said congrats.

Vaporeon: What- eh whatever. Since Pikachu's gone that means our first guest is Cryogonal. What the hell even is a Cryogonal?

Flareon: It's native to Unova I think.

Vaporeon: Unova is weird.

Cryogonal: Excuse me, don't you think it's a bit rude to say that Unova is weird. Some people are from Unova and they aren't weird.

Vaporeon: Okay, but you are so it's not giving me a great impression.

Cryogonal: (gasps) Well I'm just- like- wow. (Gasps again) I can't believe that- ugh I'm so offended.

Flareon: (whispers) Maybe we should move on to the next guest.

Vaporeon: Riiight. That's all the time we have fore Cryogonal. Thank you, next!

(Cubone walks out)

Vaporeon: How are both of last season's finalists already out? Whatever, Cubone tell me why you hurt Fletchinder.

Delphox: Didn't you watch the episode? A ghost possessed him.

Flareon: Cubone, is this true?

Cubone: (nods)

Flareon: Okay buddy, I believe you!

Vaporeon: What, no! We need more answers.

Cubone: No.

Flareon: He doesn't want to.

Vaporeon: Oh my gosh fine, let's get this past introduction over with, I wanna move onto the next segment.

Flareon: Rockruff, get out here man!

Meowth: Uh, actually Litten got eliminated last episode.

Flareon: Oh, oops.

Vaporeon: It's okay. I get how it would be confusing, they look like brothers.

Litten: Literally how?

Vaporeon: Litten, did you enjoy you're time on the show?

Litten: (Walks away and sits with the peanut gallery)

Vaporeon: Uh, I wasn't done talking.

Litten: I was done listening. (Falls asleep)

Vaporeon: You all are sleepy today.

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