TDA Aftermath VI: Wasting Time and Making Money For Some Reason

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ELIMINATED/NON COMPETING CONTESTANTS: Pichu, Meowth, Delphox, Pikachu (absent), Cryogonal, Cubone, Alolan Raichu, Rockruff, Kirlia, Sneasel, Togetic and Sableye.

(Aftermath intro plays)

Flareon: Hello TDP fans, and welcome to-

Vaporeon: Total Pokémon Aftermath!

Flareon: Awww...I wanted to say it this time.

Vaporeon: Well too bad. This week we six new guests. That's a lot of eliminated contestants. Yikes.

Cubone: Where the hell is Pikachu and Litten?

Flareon: Litten rejoined the game. I'm not sure about Pikachu though. He was late last time.

Cubone: That's weird.

Flareon: Anyways, time to welcome our first loser! Alolan Raichu!

Raichu: You can just call me Raichu.

Flareon: Eh, too hard of a nickname to remember. Tell me what your favorite part of the show was.

Raichu: I think my favorite part was getting to know everyone and being so close to such a fabulous host.

Flareon: Now how do you pronounce crayon? Vaporeon says I'm pronouncing it wrong.

Raichu: Sounds fine to me.

Vaporeon: It "cran". Crayon is just extra.

Delphox: Well technically Flareon would be correct because- why are we having this debate?

Vaporeon: Victini says he gets more money the longer we stay on air so we have to fill up as much runtime as possible.

Delphox: So you have to add filler.

Vaporeon: It's not filler it's just...uh...time...thing...ermm uhh ummmm... spacing things out.

Delphox: That is the exact definition of filler.

Vaporeon: Oh then I guess we are literally doing that.

Raichu: Any more questions for me?

Flareon: not sure. I don't think so. Let me No.

Pichu: Can you stop doing that?

Cubone: Yeah, it's getting very annoying. Please stop.

Flareon: You're right. My sinister apologies.

Vaporeon: (Whispers to Flareon)

Flareon: Sincere. That's...what I meant. Next guest come on out!

Rockruff: Fine, I still don't see the point in doing this if you don't have any ideas anymore.

Flareon: The producer wants us to keep doing aftermath episodes.

Rockruff: Why?

Flareon: He wants money for some reason.

Rockruff: I mean don't we all want money for some reason?

Vaporeon: That's true.

Pichu: Yeah, I thought that's why we all joined this show.

Cubone: Nobody asked for you to talk

Pichu: But I-

Flareon: In fact, why don't we all share the reasons we want money.

Meowth: I want money for my money collection.

Pichu: I want to buy a castle.

Rockruff: I wanna buy the world and be everyone's king!

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