Past Tense

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Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon we stopped in Alola because I needed a vacation. However Kirlia decided to crash the plane so I got rid of her. Since the plane crashed I instructed the contestants to build sand castles. Litten wanted to join in so I let him and he's now on his own team. Strangely enough he won because either the other teams kept bickering or their castles got knocked down by Zorua. Ditto abandoned their team and Zorua kept causing property damage. In the end Not Sure lost and Sneasel's terrible leadership got her sent home. Can Ditto keep it together this time? Will Not Sure survive without a leader? Can the contestants stop breaking stuff? Find out right here on Total...Drama...Pokemon Regional Tour! Why did I make the name kind of long?

(Theme song;Snowpoint Temple)!

Victini: And Litten makes it to the top of the Snowpoint temple here in Sinnoh first! How did you do it with all the traps I set up?

Litten: Well, I guess it's kind of easy when you don't have an entire team holding you back.

(Team Original shows up)

Chatot: Yeah right. We had to carry you most of the way.


Litten: Ooh! Red dot! (Pushes button and a rock falls on his head making him unconscious)

Minccino: (Picks him up) Great he's out.


Chatot: Literally.

Litten: You didn't have to carry me.

Eevee: Well to be fair you asked to come along.

Litten: Did I ask?

Eevee: I mean...yeah? (Shrugs)

(Talonflame shows up)

Victini: Where is the rest of your team?

Talonflame: I'm not sure.

Victini: Huh?

Talonflame: I don't remember...where are we?

Minccino: Are you okay?

Talonflame: Of course Turtwig.

Snivy: Alright what drugs are you taking?

Talonflame: Thursday.

(Togetic shows up right before Sableye)

Togetic: Haha! I win! And I did it without tricking someone.

Sableye: I'm sorry did you say something? I've gone deaf from all your terrible jokes!

Victini: I don't know what's going on with you three but you're still missing half your team.

Meowstic: Actually only a third. I'm here.

Victini: Cool! Now it's down to Sirfetch'd and Zorua to make it up here before Not Sure does. Oh look here they come now.

(Not Sure runs up to the top)

Roselia: Yes! We made it! Thanks so much Jolteon.

Buneary: Yeah, we never doubted you for a second.

Jolteon: You doubted me EVERY second, but it's okay!

Victini: And Not Sure is safe!

(Sirfetch'd and Zorua arrive)

Sirfetch'd: We made it I guess.

Zorua: Finally we made it out of that hellhole. Oh crap, they all beat us.

Sirfetch'd: Well this just got even more awkward.

Victini: Indeed. I'll be seeing The Losers tonight at the drop of shame.

Total Drama Pokémon: Regional TourWhere stories live. Discover now