A New Era 2

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~Shindou’s POV~

When I walked into the field, the first thing I noticed was two boys and a girl. One of the boys had brown hair and grey eyes. He also had our school uniform on so he’s probably a first year. The other boy had blue hair and golden-orange eyes; however, he wore a red shirt, purple pants along with some kind of cape. The girl, who was beside him, had blond hair, with a pink streak in her bangs and violet eyes; though it wasn’t really clear because she had a hoodie on. She wore a white polo shirt, pink hoodie-jacket, golden-brown leggings and red gloves. She also had a blue note book in her hand for some reason. The next thing I noticed was that the blue-haired boy kicked a ball at the brown-haired one so I stopped it with my own ball. 

“This is the Raimon Soccer Team!” I said.

~Kimiko’s POV~

Shindou and Tsurugi are trash talking to each other now. I just walked up to my partner and stood beside him as it goes on. Shindou looked quite surprised when he found out we were SEEDs from Fifth Sector while Matsukaze looked like he doesn’t even know what it is.

“We challenge you to a soccer match.” I said to Shindou and his team. Then, our team came up behind us.

Tsurugi smirked. “We will be your opponents.” There was a bit of an uncomfortable silence before Tsurugi broke it. “Well, do you accept?”

“No, we won’t fight you.” Shindou replied.

“You should have accepted.” I muttered, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Tsurugi kicked the ball into his palm. “Darn right he should have.” He jumped up and kicked the ball to the old club room, destroying it. Then he walked over to Shindou and put a hand on his shoulder. “It wasn’t a request, but an order.” He stated bluntly.

We went to the soccer building and after introducing our team; Kuro no Kishidan, we started the match. Raimon starts the kickoff. Minamisawa got a chance to score, but our keeper managed to block it. Then, they began to play seriously. We managed to score 10 points with ease. Then I heard Matsukaze being told to put on one of the uniforms. I guess Kudou is gonna put him in.

Yup, I was right. He changed Minamisawa and entered the field. The match continued, but so far Raimon had no luck against us. Matsukaze went after the ball, which was with Tsurugi, and tried to steal it. Tsurugi avoided him however and kicked the ball to the other players, injuring them, and the ball rebounded back to him. Most of the team is now lying on the ground, injured. Then, the whistle blows, signaling half-time. Raimon was getting worried about the match, while our team wasn’t even breaking a sweat.

I walked up to Tsurugi. “Was that really necessary?”

“Hmph, you’re way too soft to people.” He replied.

“You’re soft too. Especially to a certain someone.” I said.

He frowned. “Just shut up.”

“You know that they’re not as strong as us so stop doing that.” I said.

“Fifth Sector’s orders must be followed, hear me?” he said growling.

“You don’t believe that. You’re only doing this because you’re forced to.” I said. “But at the same time… I won’t stop you anymore.”


“You really want to do this? Then show them your true power. Show them the abilities SEEDs can do.” I said firmly.

He was confused at first, but then smirked. “Alright then. I thought you’d never ask.”

And he did just that. Near the end of the match, he let out what was supposed to be a myth. A Keshin.

Kensei Lancelot!” he said. All of Raimon was shocked because they didn’t think Keshins existed. Tsurugi started to play dirty again. He beaten up Matsukaze again and took the ball. Matsukaze didn’t give up. He encouraged Shindou and to our surprise, Shindou let out a Keshin as well.

Sousha Maestro!” said Shindou.

“So that’s his Keshin.” I muttered.

Tsurugi looked at me, then at our coach, Kuroki Zenzou. Kuroki smirked at him and he understood. He faced Shindou and shot the ball at him. Shindou managed to stop it. As they were about to go after the ball, Kuroki said to retreat. Tsurugi protested at first but eventually did as he was told. The entire team left, with the exception of myself. Shindou fainted after using his Keshin and was brought to the medic room by Kudou. The entire team was angry of course, but I just went over to them.

“What? You came here to laugh at us?” said the one named Kirino.

I just kept a straight face and went over to Matsukaze. “I apologize for your first day to turn out like this. I’m not really proud of it.” Then I left. I can tell everyone there was staring at me like “Is she for real?” or something but it was the right thing to do.

I went out to see Tsurugi waiting for me. “Why did you do that? Why did you apologize to that kid?”

“It was his first day here. I’m just trying to be nice.” I lied.

“Again… you’re way too nice to people.” He said.

“Whatever.” I said. “Hey, the ceremony is about to start. Let’s go to the hall.”

He just shrugged and we went to the hall. We, along with the other new students are in line. A few minutes later, Tsurugi was called to the principal’s office for some reason so I was left outside alone. I took this chance to take a look around the school. Not much had changed for the past few years. Only the fact that there’s a new soccer building that I was just in this morning.

That night, I went home and saw my brother waiting for me. “Konbanwa imouto-chan.” He said.

“Konbanwa Masato-nee.” I replied.

“Have you eaten dinner?” Masato-nee asked.

“Yup. I went to Tobitaka’s Ramen Store.” I said. “But I think I’m gonna head to bed early today.”

“If you say so.” Masato-nee was so nice to me. He’s actually nice to everyone unless when he’s pissed off.

The next day, I went to school, with Tsurugi of course and we head straight for the soccer club. The team seems to be worried about the members they have. I don’t blame them.

“This isn’t good; we only have 9 members left.” Said Shindou as he kicked the ball into the air.

Tsurugi stole it. “10 members!” he said as he kicked the ball into the goal. I walked over beside him and the others were, obviously furious. The chairman and the principal told the team that we’re joining the club. And I have to say, I was surprised myself.

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