The Planet Kiel

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~Kimiko’s POV~

Tenma told us that a girl named Katra had given him this stone called the Fragment of Hope. He told us that Katra was from a planet called Kiel and that she told him to find all four fragments. Then, Mizukawa told us that was impossible because Kiel was destroyed by a black hole. We were surprised that she knew that and what’s even more surprising is that she told us she was a resident of that planet.

Her real name is Potomuri and she then switched bodies with a doll. She…or he… Well Potomuri is a man while Mizukawa is a girl. So he…or she is typically 1 person in 2 bodies… or something. Potomuri told us about the origin of Kiel and he is the only survivor. His body is gone so he borrowed Mizukawa’s. He mentioned that sometimes he switched bodies with the doll occasionally.

He also explained that Katra is the princess that rules over Kiel. He was supposed to make a device that can obliterate the black hole or something.

I didn’t pay any more attention to that. My focus is now on Tsurugi. I kept my eyes on him ever since we blastoff. I wanted to say something about it, but my mouth just won’t open.

As the other’s head back to the main cart, I went to my dorm first. I went to check on my pack. Under all the other things I packed, I found it. An ampule gun. SARU had given me one before I left just in case I ran into trouble. He also gave me different kinds of ampules to use.

I took out a belt and used it to carry the ampules. I kept the gun in my right knee-length boot, where no one would notice. I have a feeling I might need it for something someday, so best be safe than sorry. Then, the Dark Pixie appeared. He flew in front of me and jumped around on my bed.

I sat on the bed and he jumped into my hands. “What are you doing here?”

Then, Dark Pixie hopped onto the floor and he showed me a small hologram projector thing. I turned it on, and I saw the real Tsurugi with a girl. Dark Pixie showed me a writing of the word, “Faram Orbius”. I watched what happened on the hologram.

Dark Pixie was flying around Tsurugi, as he stand in front of the girl that’s sitting on a throne. “Kyousuke Tsurugi, is it?” asked the girl. “I am Lalaya, Queen of Faram Orbius.”

“What is it that you are planning to do with me?” asked Tsurugi.

“Nothing at all.” Said Lalaya. “I simply want you to serve me.”

“Serve you? Me?” Tsurugi asked, somehow in a careful mocking tone.

“That’s right.” She replied. “You will be mine.” Ok, that part was just wrong.

“I refuse.” Said Tsurugi.

“Refuse?” she asked., then she smiled. “You don’t have a choice.”

“What?” he said with an eyebrow raised.

“Follow me. I will show you more of Faram Orbius.” She said with a smile.

The scene on the hologram changed to a beautiful city. A pod was flying through and I assume that Lalaya and Tsurugi are inside. She showed him around from the windows of the pod the pod landed in the center of the city and once the door opened, a crowd surround the pod and cheered for Lalaya.

I watched as she explained her goal as the queen. She wants to make her kingdom happy. I smiled as the crowd cheered. The scene switched to inside the pod. Lalaya asked Tsurugi to serve her again. Though when he agreed… Lalaya instantly asked him to be her king.

“What?!” I asked. I’m totally confused now. That was a cry of irony, confusion with a little hint of jealousy. I shook it off and looked at Dark Pixie. “What was that all about?” he didn’t answer. Instead, he transformed into a man that looks a lot like Lalaya and Tsurugi combined. That was a lot wrong…-er.

“I am Acrous Obies. Lalaya’s father.” He said.

I blinked a couple of times to process what just happened. “i-I uh… um…”

“Your friend will be with my daughter for the time being.” He said.

I stared at him. “Um… o-ok?”

“I know you are confused but it is a prophecy from Faram Orbius. For the time being, bear with his fake. This way, no one in your team would consider him missing.” He said again.

I looked down. “I’ll try, but I don’t think I’ll be able to.”

“In Pixie form, I’ll help you both keep in contact with one another.” He said as he glowed and transformed back to Dark Pixie.

I blinked. “Was that… really you?” I asked him.

“Pika?” was all he said… as usual… sort of… I shook my head and put my ampule gun in my boot. I walked out to see everyone on their seats.

“Where were you Kimiko?” asked Sakura.

“I just… needed to take care of something in my room…” I said.

“What kind of thing?” asked Matatagi with a smirk.

“Stuffs that you don’t need to know about.” I retorted as I sat down.

Soon, we arrived on the planet Sazanaara.

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