France Era

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~Kimiko’s POV~

We went inside the soccer building to find everyone back there. We were really glad at first but then another girl showed up and said she was the ACE STRIKER of the team.

“Say what now?” I asked her.

“Yup! I’m Nanobana Kinako and I beat Tsurugi in our little battle. But I guess it’s wrong for me to take his number.” She was about to open her shirt when the managers blocked her from doing so. Then Daisuke explained about the second power needed for the Ultimate Eleven. Jeanne d’Arc is the one we needed to find and Gouenji came and showed us the artifact we will use to go to her.

We time jumped and Wandaba changed our shirts again. We soon ran into a squad of knights and Jeanne herself. Kirino seemed like he was close to her even though they just met. Jeanne offered us candy and, while Tsurugi and I were talking about shiz by a tree, Kinako came and gave us candy.

“Here try it.” She said while handing us a candy each.

I plopped it in my mouth and surprisingly it was very sweet. “It tasted like cotton candy. Oh wait, it is candy.”

“It’s good.” Was all Tsurugi said.

Jeanne took us to some kind of fortress and Tenma suggested we play soccer since everything will work out somehow. Kinako and Tsurugi faced off each other first and we found out she was good in defense as well as offence. Jeanne came and we played soccer with her for a while.

In the afternoon, Jeanne came to us and-

“You want us to what?!” said Tenma in surprise.

“I need your help. I want you to be my escort to King Charles palace.” Said Jeanne. “If you help me then I will give any kind of that power you seek.”

“Alright then, Jeanne’s power is essential to us. We need it to save soccer so I say we go.” Said Kirino.

Everyone got pumped but then Jeanne said that only 7 people can fit so she needs only 6 escorts. The ones going were Tsurugi, Tenma, Shinsuke, Kinako, Fei and Kirino.

“Awww. How I can’t come?” I said to them.

“I’m sorry I wish that you all could come but the carriage doesn’t fit.” Said Jeanne.

“Aw man.” I said. Then I got an idea.

~Normal POV~

The next morning, the seven got up early and head off to Charles’ castle, not knowing about a small creature in the carriage with them. When they reach the castle, Kirino and Jeanne went to see Charles while the others stay in the garden.

As they were talking, Tsurugi felt something moving in his hair and is starting to get a bit uncomfortable.

“Tsurugi.” Said Tenma. “Daijoubu?”

“I’m fine. But there’s something moving on my head.” Said Tsurugi awkwardly. He placed a hand on his head and grabbed on to something. When he opened his palm he saw a small pixie smiling at him.

“What’s that?” Asked Kinako.

“Is that a pixie?” asked Shinsuke.

“That’s impossible, they’re not real, are they?” said Fei.

Tsurugi stared at the pixies clothes. Wait… I know that color scheme. He thought. “Miko, what do you think you’re doing?” he said.

“MIKO?!” the rest exclaimed.

The pixie, which really did turned out to be Miko, changed back to her human form. “How did you know?” she said while pouting slightly.

“The color scheme of your dress. You wear the same colors every day.” He answered.

“Oh.” She replied.

“Kimiko-chan, what were you doing and how did you do that?” said Tenma.

“You already forgot?” said Kimiko. “I’m partly inhuman. I can do dose kinds of things with no problem.”

“Wow. Awesome!” said Shinsuke.

“O-ok then. Should we play soccer to pass the time?” asked Tenma.

“Sure. I’ll pass though.” Said Kimiko as she sat down by a tree.

“Alright then, so I’ll team up with Shinsuke and Fei, and Tsurugi and Kinako will… oh wait we need one more player.” Said Tenma.

“I’m still not joining people!” Kimiko said.

Then Kinako went to ask a man to join. The man joined in playing but he didn’t want to watch to see how the game goes first.

~Kimiko’s POV~

Does this guy even know what he’s doing? I asked myself. I can hear the other guys telling him how to play, but in the end, i doubt he’s even listening. The guy lead us around the castle and soon, we saw Jeanne and Kirino. Jeanne saw the man and bowed down calling him “prince Charles”… Wait, WHAT?!

“He’s Prince Charles?!” said Tenma surprised. We talked a bit and Charles agreed to send re-enforcements. We went back to the town and everyone was very happy to see us.

“So that’s where you were?” asked Aoi.

“We’ve been looking everywhere for you!” said Midori.

“Sorry girls. I couldn’t resist.” I said to them.

Jeanne then declared that they would attack now. The commanders of the troops didn’t want to and just went off to eat or something. Not long after, a knight came and told us that Jeanne was leading a group of soldiers to attack the English army.

“She’s doing what?!” said Kirino. We ran out to see a guy with Protocol Omega 3.0. His name was Zanark Avalonic. We played a match against them and so far, we aren’t doing so well. We then decided to go with King Charles’ plan and defend “the castle of the king”. To our surprise it worked out well. In the end, we won and Kirino got the mixi-max with Jeanne, making him part of the Ultimate Eleven along with Shindou. Jeanne had become braver and she led the war to victory.

We then went back to our own timeline. We practiced and then Gouenji-san came back with a new artifact. A scroll. Hayami said that the scroll was from the Three Kingdoms Era and Daisuke stated that the power of the third and fourth member would be there. The third member being Shokatsu Koumei and the fourth being Liu Bei.

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