GO Galaxy. Inazuma Japan

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~Tsurugi’s POV~

Three months had passed since the Ragnarok Tournament. We’ve been training hard so we could become members of the new Inazuma Japan. Seriously, Kimiko loves these kinds of things. Too bad she decided to stay in the future. I wonder when I’d be able to see her again.

We’re at the stadium where the members of Inazuma Japan would be announced. Tenma and Shinsuke looked so happy I couldn’t help teasing them. Then, the coach, Kuriowa Ryuusei announced the members. Tenma, Shindou and I were in but then others were called and we never even heard of those names in the soccer world.

We then got ready for an exhibition match against Teikoku Gakuen but we lost 10-1 because only the three of us knew how to play soccer. The next day, we prepared our things and left to where we’ll be staying so long as the tournament goes on. We trained hard each day, and I was really surprised that we manage to win one match after the other.

At one point though, a team called Resistance Japan appeared and they challenged us to a match. I was surprised to see the people from Holy Road there and I was even more surprised to see Hakuryuu as the team captain. They help the other members to realize that soccer isn’t that easy and above everything else, they help raise up their will to improve. The team is now spending almost 24 hours a day in the Black Room, training their legs off.

We got better and better each day, though Tenma is still stressing a bit about being the team’s captain. We won the preliminaries but then suddenly an actual alien showed up and told us about Grand Celestia Galaxy. A tournament to decide Earth’s faith. I know that Kimiko told me there was an alien crisis before but it ended up that those aliens were humans, namely Hiroto and Midorikawa and some others. We’re now discussing more about the tournament and we found out that Kuriowa Ryuusei was actually Kageyama Reiji… wait ‘till Hikaru hears about this.

Then Kuriowa told us we would have new members and just then, Endou appeared. He showed us the new members. One of them was named Ichikawa Zanakurou and the other was… WHAT THE HELL?! What’s going on here?!

She looked at me and laughed. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you glad to see your childhood friend?” Tenma, Shindou, Aoi and I just stared at her. She’s here! She’s here and she didn’t tell us?!

“How long have you been here?” was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

“Since Resistance Japan.” Kimiko said winking. I was really tempted to slap her but that feeling soon left and was replaced by the excitement to play with her again. We went to the field and Tetsukado and Sakura were facing of Zanakurou first. He got passed them easily and he has amazing balance with the ball. The whole team was impressed by it. Next up is Kimiko.

“Tetsukado, Nozaki, Matatagi, Kusaka. All four of you against Kimiko.” Said Kuriowa.

“But won’t that be a bit of a burden?” asked Kusaka. “I mean all four of us at once, that’s just…”

“He’s right kantoku.” Said Sakura. “Why go by four all of a sudden?”

“… Do it.” Said Kuriowa.

The other four looked at Kimiko worriedly but she just smiled. “He is the coach. Might as well do what he said.” They exchange glances before nodding.

Kimiko took position. Matatagi had the ball and he dashed forward. Kimiko used her instincts and stole the ball from him within a split second.

“How did she do that?” asked Matatagi. She stopped dribbling and gave him a wink before proceeding.

She ran straight ahead and Kusaka was trying to block her. She kicked the ball high up in the air and ran past the now confused Kusaka. Sakura jumped up to get it, but Kimiko was faster. She got that ball and kicked it down to the ground. She dribbled ahead and went face to face with Tetsukado.

“You aren’t getting pass me that easily.” He stated.

“You really think so, do you?” she said with a smirk. She kicked the ball behind her and did a twirl. As soon as she was back on her feet, she kicked the ball into the goal. “Ta-da!” Everyone was shocked at how easily she got past them all. She smiled at them. “Hey, don’t look so surprised. I use to be part of Raimon. Well, as a manager but I still practiced with them.” Everyone still looked shocked and she just sighed and looked at me. “Kyousuke. I’m done with this. So how about a battle? First to score wins?”

I smirked. “You’re on.” We got into position each.

We didn’t even wait for the whistle, we just directly ran for the ball. We kept stealing the ball from each other. It’s like we’re evenly matched. Oh wait, we are. Every time one of us are about to score, the other would intercept or steal the ball. The match didn’t last long since Kuriowa called it off, but it was fun.

The way she moved, the way she handle the ball. She had improved a lot over the past three months. I’m glad, because it wouldn’t be fun if she hadn’t. As we walked to the sidelines we gave each other a high-five and I ruffled a bit of her hair. I remember how she acted like a dog whenever I do and I smiled a little at that thought. It was good to have her back… but how long is she able to stay?

Then we talked about how we’re going to handle the pressure of the tournament. We were getting worried but Tenma and Endou cheered them all up. We decided. We’re all going to space. Before we do, of course we needed to tell our families and friends. I went back home and talked with my parents. Of course they made fun of me because aliens aren’t supposed to exist. I just shook my head and sighed.

I also told them that Kimiko’s back and they were really happy. Ni-san winked at me for a reason that I already know. I rolled my eyes and just head to bed. The next day, Ni-san came with me to the field to see me off. He couldn’t play soccer just yet and still have to use crutches but I’m glad he’s at least out of the hospital.

“Fight without any regrets and believe in yourself.” He said along the way. “But honestly, I’m not too worried about you.”

I smiled. “Ni-san…” then we heard laughter. I looked over the bridge and saw Tenma and Shindou playing a match with Raimon.

“Go on, Kyousuke.” Ni-san said. I nodded and joined the other two.

Then, the others appeared and we played until the game ends. Kuriowa called us back to the place we were staying and we looked around but we didn’t see anything that looked like a space ship. Then, the buildings moved and it took form as a train. We all went in and placed our things in our rooms. Then we waited for the Galaxy Nauts Gou to blast off to space.

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