GO Chrono Stone. A New Threat

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~Kimiko's POV~

Three months after the Holy Road tournament. Shuuya-nee had stepped down from his position as the Holy Emperor and Tenma was going on a training program and he's supposed to be back by now. Oh yeah, another thing happened. I was traveling to America with Ichinose Kazuya-san for a while but Shuuya-nee said something about a soccer ban back in Japan so I'm on a plane heading straight back now.

When I arrived at the airport I saw Shuuya-nee waiting for me. We head straight for Inazuma Town and he texted Haruna-chan. We met her and the others by Inazuma Tower.

"Ohaiyou!" I said when I saw them.

"Kimiko-chan." Said Tenma. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. America was great! Oh and Ichinose-san said 'hi'." I said to them.

"Sugoi!" said Shinsuke.

Then I noticed it. "Hey uh... where are the others?"

They frowned. "They left the club."

"Why?" They explained to me some stuffs and I somehow manage to get it. "Alright. But what about the bear? And who's the new guy?"


"What are you then?"

"I'm a blue robot that look like a bear! And my name is Clark Wonderbot. You can call me Wandaba."

"Alright...? And the other one?"

"I'm Fei Rune." He introduced.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Gouenji Kimiko. You can call me Kimiko." I said smiling.

They then explained to me about what's happening while I was gone and Shuuya-nee explained about Helper X and the Second Stage Children.

"Tenma." He said. "You were one of the candidates."

"Wha-me?!" Tenma said surprised.

"Yes." Said Gouenji (I'm just gonna keep calling him this from now on). He turned to me. "Kimiko. You know those inhuman abilities you have." I nodded. "Those are the abilities that the SSC are supposed to have. You are the very first member."

"Oh...wait, I'm WHAT?!" I asked surprised. "Wha... I don't... I-I just... Why... Oh I give up!" I sat on the ground and facepalmed.

They talked a bit more and then we set off for God Eden. While heading there Tsurugi was a bit distracted. I guess it's about what Tenma said earlier. It was something about Yuuichi-san. After we arrived at God Eden stadium, we began training.

"Dr. Aruno, do you know how to use Keshin Armed?" asked Tenma to that Space-time professor.

"Keshin Armed..." he said thoughtfully. Just when we had our hopes up, he said, "Not a clue." We anime-fell. "I'm an amateur at soccer. So now if you'll excuse me, I'm done sightseeing so I'll be on my way." He then disappeared.

"I know how!" Wandaba said.

"Wandaba! Really?" asked Tenma. Then Wandaba just explained some stuff I don't really get.

"That's great and all, but how do we use Keshin Armed?" I asked him.

"I don't know! But as long as you believe you can, and then I'm sure you'll get it!" said Wandaba.

"Positive thinking huh?" said Tsurugi.

"Not helpful at all." I said. The rest sweat-drop.

Then Fei explain to us how to do it. "I guess this means we all need to know how to use it to defeat the enemy." I said.

Tenma tried it first. He didn't succeed though. Tsurugi tried next, and then Shindou, then Shinsuke, then Nishiki and that's when I realized what to do.

"Hey, can I try?" I asked.

"You have a fighting spirit?" asked Fei.

"Yeah. But I don't use it too often since I never play in matches before." I replied.

"Alright go ahead." Said Tsurugi.

I went to the center of the field and took position. "Acheri no Megami!" my Keshin appeared and I closed my eyes. Now just focus my energy... raise my power... and combine the feeling. That passionate feeling I have for soccer. I opened my eyes. "Armed!" and I manage to fuse the aura. "I did it!" I exclaimed.

"Nice work!" said Fei.

"Nice one!" said Tenma and Shinsuke.

Not bad. Tsurugi said mentally. That dress suits you. After that complement I can 'see' him mentally slapping himself.

I laughed a bit. Thanks. Your turn. I replied. He nodded. They kept trying until a team, who called themselves Team A5 came and challenged us to a match.

"So are these the guys who took away soccer?" I asked. The others nodded and we came up with a plan and enter the field. The match was typically one sided. Then, another Keshin appeared and saved us.

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