Sengoku Era

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~Kimiko's POV~

I ran back to Raimon and saw the team gathered up. I apologized for taking so long and we hoped on. We time traveled to the Sengoku era and Wandaba change our shirt with a “Wanda Switch” I think.

“I love this dress!” I exclaimed. It was like some kind of pink kimono with a blue ribbon and a yellow scarf to top it off. Tsurugi and I looked quite alike in these clothing only that we have different color schemes. Then we head separately to search for Nobunaga. Not long after, Tsurugi, Shindou and I saw Tenma, Aoi and Shinsuke helping a bunch of kids from burglars. We then discussed some things and then met Toukachirou. After a while, we found out about a gang that kidnaps children and sells them overseas. I just kept silent the entire time they were talking. The next few days went by in a flash as we learnt more about Nobunaga and the dance festival he would be in.

Akane gave the idea that we would infiltrate it as dancers. I kinda sweat-dropped at this since I knew NONE of us could dance, especially after Nishiki and Wandaba’s “demonstration”. Katsu, a tofu girl Shindou met, teaches us how to dance but Tsurugi and I decided to bail since we didn’t want to get embarrassed over the fact that we had never danced in our lives. Ok maybe we have but that was 2 years ago in a school party. Don’t ask.

We went to watch Shindou train. Fei was there too. We watch them play until we heard…

“Fei, what’s your reason for helping us? Is it because you love soccer?” asked Shindou as they faced each other.

“Love? No! You’re wrong!” Fei replied as he stole the ball. “It’s because soccer is everything to me!”

That practically struck my nerve. Tsurugi tensed up as well. I figured he was thinking about what Tenma explained about him and Yuuichi-san.

“He loves you, you know.” I said, not facing him. He was a bit startled and then looked at me. I continued, “If he didn’t then he wouldn’t have sacrificed himself. He did it because he cares enough to let himself get injured to save your dreams.” He kept silent the entire time and just nodded.

I sighed. “You’re a really tough guy to convince you know?” he smirked a bit and we went back to where the others are.

They had already plan things out. Most of them will dance, Nishiki will play the drums, Shindou and Tsurugi would play the flute while I’m…

“Uh… what am I gonna do again?” I asked Fei and Wandaba.

“You’re going to be helping us by watching out for Protocol Omega.” Said Wandaba.

“Is that it?” I asked. They nodded. “Alright then. Guess I have no choice.”

At the party, apparently we were about to go in until Nishiki… I’m too embarrassed to even talk about it. I was watching them trying to get in over and over again and I think I saw Toukachirou helping them… whatever. They’re now on stage and I give them a thumbs up as a sign for good luck. They were dancing horribly though… Nobunaga wasn’t pleased.

Wandaba tried to get the mixi-max but then Beta suddenly showed up. How did I not notice her?! Another few crazy stuff happened and we ended up having to do a match against Beta. Tasuke and his friends are trained with Toukachirou and they made a defense hissatsu. On match day, Shindou finally completes his mixi-max and Keshin Armed. After that, we had dinner with Nobunaga and then we went back to our period.

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