the truth I always knew

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So my brother had it hard as a kid

The oldest isn't with us right now he's with his kids and gf

My mom has been like this for as long as ik

And my brother was there to see it start

He was destroyed when he heard the truth

My sisters dad was the one who told him

He wish he didn't knew

He wishes the man that told him was dead

And this is what he told me when he told us the truth

"I hate her dad the bible says never wish a mad death and I fucking hope he dies in his jail cell"

He was 16 when he told him

He already had his first son

And my sisters dad walks in his room and wakes him up and tells him "you know you Dad isn't your real dad"

That fucked him up for years

Because the mad that he thought was his dad isn't really

He told me " I didn't know what to do I was so young and the man I called dad, pa, papi wasn't my real dad and he loved me like i was his own. It takes a man to do something like that"

And my mom lied to all of us

But I always kinda knew

When my mom is drunk she says stupid shit

I never believe it

The reason she lied was cuz my brothers last name is peña and mine is Valenzuela we both have the "same" dad

And I asked my mom why don't we have the same last name

And she said "cuz your dad went to Mexico and Mikey was born when he was gone, I didn't know if he was going to come back"

But the real answer was "I'm a fucking whore"

Cuz my main family is a half family meaning we all have different dad's

Idk who's my real dad and I don't give a fuck

Because I'm proud to be a Valenzuela why? Cuz the man named Juan Valenzuela raised me like his son

He took care of me

He fed me

He loved me

Even when he left he was looking after us

If i was him i would leave too

Cuz i was there when they got into fights

I still remember even after all these years

She pulled a knife on him so many times and he never hurt her

And my mom's bf "knows my real dad" and he asked if I want to meet him and I said

"Yeah I wanna meet him AND STAB HIM"

I'm done

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