Hello from the other side

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There's a pool at my high school and sometimes once a week we have free swims...

This story was from that day.

I had forgotten to bring my swimming clothes on purpose because I ironed my hair and I didn't want to fuck it up, it was also Friday so I was gonna go with some friends to nowhere because I don't have friends :c ... and I didn't want to do my hair again.

Anyways, some girls and I ,who also did their hair but didn't feel like fucking it up, sat there on the benches doing absolutely nothing.

The gym/p.e/coach dude turned on the radio. The cool thing was that there's speakers on the walls so on free swim days we could listen to the radio.

So I'm there sitting on the bench looking gorgeous because I dress to impress ( not really;-; )

>Ok forreal this time<

I'm sitting there on the bench with my friend Selena

She's a bit of a sad pickle sometimes

We sit there listening to shit on the radio as the other dolphin children swim

Then... as we sit..the song hello by Adele starts to play and Selena said to me, " oh my god I hate this song because it's so sad"

>song continues to play<

"I wish the volume was put down"

>song still plays <

"Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet
To go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing"

>song is still playing after she said that to me<

"There's such a difference between us
And a million miles"


>All the guys in the pool start to sing<


Then I just start laughing so fucking hard!

That was so funny, and the expression on my friend's face XD

she was like, OMG NUUUU XC

but in the end she was alright

It made her laugh which is good.

Side note

my friend Oscar got a slipknot cake for his birthday!!

And the song was by Adele
I think

Also sorry I haven't been posting I just keep forgetting

I'm always like,OH YEAHH I HAVE A WATTPAD...i should post...after I'm done talking to berry...

...Teacher dude to the rescue.. I'll explain later...maybe teacher dude's stories...maybe...


(I don't feel like checking for typos)

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