Chapter 13: A Change in the Night

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A/N: Don't worry, the next chapter will pick up where this one leaves off.

"It's not hard. Just follow my feet and don't look down."


I didn't have a single thing to wear to this party.

How was it that I kept finding myself at a party with Sinclair? I was always down for a social event, but this was so far out of my wheelhouse. I raked over my closet over and over again looking for a dress to wear. I knew it had to be something formal. It had to be floor length and elegant enough that I didn't look underdressed. I just knew deep down that there was something within my array of clothes that would work.

Unfortunately, both Audrey and Jade were unavailable to help me. Audrey had been called into the office and Jade was (per usual) working at the bakery. It seemed that I was on my own, and since Sinclair was supposed to pick me up in just a few hours, I was screwed. But then I got an idea. It seemed like a little bit of a cheap move, but I truthfully didn't see any other option.

I called Sinclair and asked him to help me find an outfit.

Normally, I wouldn't be very keen on asking my man of interest to assist me in finding an outfit. Most men found it difficult and even a little annoying. However, I was desperate and I figured I could burden him just this one time.

Surprisingly, he was more than happy to help out with the cause. He didn't mind coming over early, and if anyone knew what to wear to this event, it was him. He arrived at my flat about 45 minutes before we were supposed to leave, bringing his tux along to change into it when it was closer to time.

Thankfully, I had been smart enough to go ahead and have my hair and makeup ready, so getting dressed was all that was left. Looking back on it, it wasn't so much that I didn't have anything to wear, but it was more so that I wasn't satisfied with any of my options. He was standing at my wardrobe, carefully looking over all of my owned dresses.

"What about this one?" Sinclair presented another dress to me, "Red looks lovely on you."

I hummed. I had turned down the last two dresses that Sinclair had suggested, because I wasn't settling for just anything. I eyed over the red, form fitting dress. It was pretty, but not the one.

"No. It's too...bright." I groaned, collapsing back onto the pillows on my bed.

Sinclair laughed, tossing it into to the pile of rejected dresses at the foot of my bed. He had been more than happy to help, but he was more amused at how picky I was being. He clearly understood the different fashion standards for women, because he could sense my frustration.

"You know, any of these would work. You'll look wonderful in whatever you wear," He continued to thumb through my clothes, "You're overthinking this."

Thankfully, Sinclair didn't turn to look at me, because I'm sure he would've made fun of my starstruck expression.

"I am not! I need to look more than just presentable." I told him.

"What are you talking about? I told you that this is no big thing. It's just a somewhat work event." Sinclair reminded me.

I huffed at him, earning another laugh from him. He snickered at me for a few seconds before he stopped cold. Just as he was beginning to think that we were going to have to come up with a plan B, he spotted a dress pushed to the back of my closet. He plucked it from the rack, his pupils dilating when he saw it.

"Now what about this little number?" He breathed, his eyes flickering to me and then back to the dress.

I sat up from the headboard, curious at to which one he was talking about. It was a long, black dress with a slit up the side that stopped just about mid-thigh. I had only worn it one other time, and honestly I couldn't even remember what it had been for. It was fairly form fitting, and it was sleek and classy.

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