{Thirty Five}

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Callie's POV:

It's been a week since I came to this fucking freezing place. It's been three days since I've called Dante which made me anxious. I didn't call him because I was worried I would bother him, but he must be so busy he doesn't have time. Which I'm not mad about, as long as Annie gets back then I'm fine.

I haven't a good nights sleep in a week. I seriously cannot sleep without Dante. Liv has tried sleeping with me but it didn't work. We then tried Cass and it also didn't work.

"Hey babes, how are you feeling?" Liv asked on the eighth day without Dante. I was fucking tired, I bags under my eyes and my hair was messed up. So I looked like a pregnant troll.

"Not that good." I mumbled and went to the only thing that would keep me awake. Coffee. But Liv took the mug away from me.

"It's not good for the baby." She said and instead gave me a mug of shitty tasting tea. I dumped it down the sink and she frowned. "What do you want to do today?"

"Go outside and get frostbite." I muttered. I wasn't mad at Liv. But I was moody. Something everyone in this house has to keep up with and not take anything to heart.

"Tonight, you are calling Dante before you go to bed, maybe that way you can sleep and lose the attitude." She said, in a nice way but I still scoffed.

"Fine." I muttered, though it was a good idea. I just really didn't want to get him at a bad time, then mess everything up. "I want him backkkk." I whined.

"I know babes. He will be back soon." Liv said and put her hand on my shoulder, "but right now you just have to make do with what you have."

"We can't even fucking leave the stupid house cause we will get hyperthermia." I muttered.

"That's the whole point." Liv laughed a little, "but it's supposed to me nice here when it's summer."

"Great. But I don't really wanna be here till it's summer." I said.

"We won't. It's okay he will be back soon with Annie and we can all go back home." She said and I slowly nodded.

"C'mon, let's go find Cass and do something." She said and took my hand, taking me out of the room.


I was too paranoid to call Dante last night which I regret because I got no sleep, then the next morning came in pouting because Alex wasn't so her, though they did call the night before.

"At least you get a baby!" Cass exclaimed.

"By accident and I'm only four months and I wanna dieeee!" I argued back and groaned. It's true, I'm really not used to this extra weight even though it's not a lot, and I look so fat! It's not fat though, it's a baby...

"I miss him." She grumbled.

"Me too." I mumbled and pulled a pillow over my face.

"Phone!" Liv yelled from the other room.

"For who?!" Both Cass and I yelled and shot up eagerly.

"Cass its Alex!" She yelled back and Cass darted out of the room and I huffed and laid back.

I laid in my bed for probably half an hour before. Ass came back in, giggling and blushing and I internally rolled my eyes. I wasn't mad at her, but I was now mad that I didn't call Dante last night.

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