Chapter 1

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Loki rested lazily against the side of his mother's bed, his hands hovering in the air and twirling gently. A tendril of dust was swept up in his created wind and danced for him, glittering in the morning sun. Frigga smiled at his bored expression and the accomplishment of his movements. Odin had taken Thor hunting, mumbling that Loki was too small to bring along.

Loki had wandered into Frigga's room and slumped into a chair. His bow and quiver and the new knife Thor helped him pick out had clattered to the ground. Saying little, Frigga had given him some of her breakfast and let him stay with her while she went through a pile of letters.

"Hello, Prince Loki."

Frigga glanced up to find Minha, her new maidservant, entering. Loki looked away from her, disinterested in her duty of clearing the breakfast tray. Frigga smiled at her.

"Minha, tell me, how is your daughter?"

"Sigyn? She's good, m'lady. But I'm 'fraid that she's too shy to make friends."

"She must miss those she left at home. Give her time." Frigga glanced at Loki. "You were hoping they would allow her to work, yes?"

"Oh yes, m'lady!" Minha's bright brown eyes met Frigga's. "She's ever so bored and, thank the gods, she likes to be busy. I think she'd appreciate somethin' keeping her hands busy."

Nodding, Frigga looked down at her papers, trying to appear nonchalant. "Loki is in need of a servant to look after his chamber. He doesn't get along well with the young boys."

Loki looked up, a wrinkle forming between his brows. "I don't want a servant. My room is fine."

"It is infinitely messy. Send Sigyn to my room when you can, Minha."

Her servant curtsied quickly and smiled wide. "Yes, m'lady. Thank you so much." She hurried away, her skirts rustling around her short frame.

Loki got up to escape before he would be forced to meet and be kind to another servant. Frigga reached out as he passed and pressed hard on his shoulder. He fell onto his bottom with a muffled "oomph" and glared up at her. "I don't want a servant."

Frigga rolled her eyes and signed another directive. "That's too bad, isn't it? If you don't have one, you'll have to clean your own room. And I'll be sure that you do it."

"I already clean my room."

"Scrape the grate, dust, make the bed, clean the sheets, scrub the floors, wipe the windows, do your laundry, get your own food from the kitchens, wipe your spills, scrub the bathroom-"

"Oh fine!" He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the floor.

Frigga laughed under her breath. "Good. Now, Sigyn is probably very shy so be kind to her." The door opened to let in a small, thin figure with downcast eyes hidden behind a curtain of blonde hair. She fiddled with her skirts and effected a quick curtsy. "Your majesties." She mumbled.

Minha came in after and put her hands on the girl's shoulders. "Go on." She encouraged. The girl came on quick, quiet feet and stopped in front of Frigga's desk.

She brushed her hair aside and looked up, only to glance away quickly. "Sigyn Minhadittr, a-at your service, my queen."

Frigga smiled broadly and reached across to take Sigyn's hand. "My, aren't you pretty. And so small! Do you really wish to work, Sigyn?"

"Yes, my queen." Her voice could barely be heard but she didn't seem inclined to speak any louder. "I-I don't mind it much and it keeps me busy. Papa used to say..." She swallowed and faltered.

The Burden Of Her Arms (Loki/Sigyn)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora