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Three years later

Sigyn wrapped her arms around herself and lifted her face to the sun. Her hand rose to grip the black Muspelheimr necklace that sat amid her others, all of them memories of the past. The black one felt heavy both on her neck and in her heart.

A breeze blew past her, whipping her hair and throwing her skirt up as it dashed her train of thought away. She pushed her skirt down and looked out towards the beach. She stood on a hill amid tall, swaying blades of grass and weeds. The beach lay just below her, off white sand shining almost too brightly in the midsummer sun.

Two shadowy forms played in the shallow water, a little girl of three with short brown hair and a laugh that tinkled loudly, carried by the wind. The other, her eight year-old brother, splashed her and laughed.

A pair of long arms wrapped around Sigyn's waist. She laid her head back against the chest behind her and looked up at Loki. He bent his head to kiss her.

Lifting his head, he nodded towards a flock of birds meandering across the sand. "The kingdom is quiet today. The people appear to be well."

She smiled. "It would seem so. Shall we walk among them?"

Smiling, he pulled her close to his side and walked with her down to the edge of the tide. The cold water lapped at their ankles and the sand gave way under their feet. The breeze still whistled quietly, ignoring the way the ocean hushed it. Loki reached up to push her hair behind her ear. He took her hand again.

She sighed contentedly. Exile suited them well here. They weren't bothered with the etiquette and rumors of the palace and Loki's resentment, his simmering, malicious anger had faded gradually over time. Because of Loki's initially brutal punishment, his exile was short and would be over in nine more years.

Sigyn doubted that the family would want to move back. She and the children were free to come and go as they pleased but they preferred life in their little house by the sea. So they would stay.

Sigyn squinted up at Loki. "You look strange with dark skin."

He rolled his eyes towards her. "Thank you for that."

"You're welcome!" She quipped.

A small body shoved its way between them. Narfi grinned and ran down the beach. "I'll beat you to the rocks!"

"Oh no you won't!" Sigyn grinned and ran after him. He pushed her as she caught up to him. She stumbled into the water, squealing as it washed over her. "That's not fair!"

"No one said anything about fair." He laughed.
She picked herself up and sprinted to catch up. Coming behind him, she tackled him into the ground, turning so he'd fall on her rather than the packed sand. He giggled and sat up. "I won."

"No you didn't!" She feigned offense.

"I think he did, love." Loki came to them, smiling down at them as he lifted their daughter onto his hip.

Sigyn gasped. "You're taking his side?! I thought you loved me."

"I do. Which is why I am obligated to annoy you." He grinned and looked at the little girl on his hip. "Isn't that right, Runa? Hm?"

The little girl nodded. "Papa's always right!"

"Runa!" Sigyn jumped up. "I thought Mama was your favorite?"

"Papa gived me sweeties." She stuck her tongue out and giggled.

Sigyn growled and lifted her from Loki's hip. "Come here, you!" Runa giggled and squealed as her mother tickled her. "Papa's your favorite huh? Is that right?"


"Fine then. I'll just have to give you his dessert. Let's see how he likes that!"

"Yay!" Runa clapped and bounced on her mother's hip. Loki pretended to be weak in the knees.

"Not my dessert." He pleaded.

"Are you idiots coming in for lunch or what?" A voice called from the hill. They squinted up at Una.

"Coming!" They called, raising their hands in acknowledgement. Loki bent so Narfi could leap onto his back. The boy cinched his legs around Loki's waist and crossed his ankles. Holding him with one hand, Loki held the other out to Sigyn.

She took it and sidled closer to him. Lifting her face to the sun again, Sigyn breathed easy and smiled.

And that's the end! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Dunno what I'll do next. I was asked for another Mycroft one so it's possible.

The Burden Of Her Arms (Loki/Sigyn)Where stories live. Discover now