Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Sigyn didn't have to prove her ability to resist him as he wasn't particularly interested in anything more than talking that night. They laid on either side of the pillow, whispering to each other though there was no one to hear them.

They were discussing the wedding when Loki took her hands and started fiddling with her fingers.

"A quiet affair. Probably no more than Mother and Thor and Minha."

"I can't forget Okoro and Tendaji, they'd be devastated."

He sighed. "Fine. Them too."

"Would we have a banquet after?" He shook his head. "Then what?"

"We can leave the next morning. Do you still want to go to the mountains or the sea?"

"Let's go to the mountains." She looked down as he turned her hands to lay atop his, facing palm up. A light sparked in her palms and flickered to life, dancing in the darkness.

An ancient wedding practice, the presiding wise woman, healer, or priest would spark a fire in the palms of the betrothed. The stronger their love, the larger the flame. In the higher classes, where many marriages were arranged, the fires were rarely more than a candle flame. The ritual was thus not very common in the court. But watching the fire rise and grow, Sigyn felt a similar warmth in her.

She looked up at Loki. His face was illuminated by the small illusion of fire and his eyes shone happily. He leaned across their hands and kissed her. The light grew slowly and warmed her hands.

"We're not supposed to do this yet." Sigyn muttered as he pulled away.

"I hate waiting. And I rather wanted to know how much you loved me." He smiled and rolled onto his back. The fire died. "Will you buy a new dress?"

"Of course! What kind of question is that?"

He smiled. "You forget, my dear, that you are a simple woman and the only one I've ever known."

"Oh and I'm sure you've known many women."

"It's a curse I have to bear. I can't help that they love me." He sighed heavily.

"Oh please. No one told you to put your..." She waved her hand vaguely towards his lower half. "In every noblewoman's bed."

Loki laughed, throwing his head back. "What did you call it?"

"Shut your mouth." She rolled away. He pulled her closer, laughing against her back.

"Go on."

"You know what it's called." She muttered.

"Love, if you're going to marry me, you at least need to know the word."

"No I don't. Just need to know it does things."

He dissolved into another fit of laughter. "Gods, I have so much to teach you."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm going to sleep. Keep your laughter down."

He was still smiling when he kissed the back of her neck and wrapped his arms around her.

The next morning, Sigyn woke first. She stretched slowly and yawned. Daylight was streaming through the windows and the fire had already been lit, probably by Jokull. Loki was still asleep. She had stolen the covers right before they fell asleep and he hadn't even stayed under what little she left him. For some reason he couldn't withstand a bit of heat after his fever. But he was unusually lacking in heat by nature. She'd snuggled up to him during the night, searching for warmth, but there had been little. It was as though he wasn't even there. So she'd wrapped herself into a cocoon of sheets and gone back to sleep.

The Burden Of Her Arms (Loki/Sigyn)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن