Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The banquet for Thor's birthday was one of his biggest celebrations yet. Days of work had gone into preparation. The kitchens were hives of frantic activity at all times, with every cook shouting orders at the tops of their lungs. Maids were scurrying to and fro, trying to finish all of their chores on time. Even personal servants, like Sigyn, were called upon to help with the finishing touches.

She just barely had enough time to clean herself up and dress in a fairly new dress, a simple work of light blue cloth that her mother had put together a year ago. She had only worn it once, on her last birthday.

She circled the packed ballroom after the feast, listening to drunken gossip and overly loud laughter. Men and women spun in dances and mingled in elegant groups of twos and threes. Thor was, of course, the center of attention and quite happy that way. He danced and drank heartily, flirting freely with the woman who sparked his interest.

Loki drifted through the crowd, sometimes mingling, sometimes watching. He caught Sigyn's eye often to offer silent opinions on the actions and dress of others. She bit back her smiles and sometimes stood by couples too drunk to be embarrassed just to see what look he would give her when he saw them.

He danced with some women, mostly for the fast paced songs that required little conversation. He flirted from time to time while he stood on the side, sipping mead and wine. Sigyn tried not to notice the way women happily hung onto his arm or the way he tilted his head towards them and smiled. She told herself that she certainly wasn't jealous.

She didn't envy those women his attention or the fact that they were allowed to remain so close to him for so long. It wasn't as though she and Loki had an understanding of any sort. He could flirt and dance with as many women as he pleased.

Hera stood by her. "That's the fourth time he's danced with her. There's all sorts of whispers going around that she's probably his next mistress."

Sigyn ground her teeth. It was actually the third time, not that she cared enough to really be paying attention.

The quick, light-footed dance ended and a slow one began. Loki let another man take the woman before making his way towards Sigyn. Ignoring the way her heart jumped when his eyes locked onto hers, she offered him a glass. He sighed and sipped the sweet mead. "She's persistent, I'll give her that."

"You're encouraging her." She smiled up at his helmet. "You look like a ram."

He glared at her and sipped again. "Thank you. I feel so wonderful now." She snickered. "It was a present from father."

She looked at Odin's helmet, sporting both the horns and wings that he had split between his sons. "You should have the wings. You're quick on your feet. Thor is full of brute force. He's not very smart either."

Loki choked on his drink and covered his mouth, laughing into his hand. "You should not speak so ill of your prince." She shrugged. Still smiling, he came to stand in front of her and tilted his head. "Dance with me."

Sigyn rolled her eyes towards her platter. "I'm busy."

Setting the empty glass down on her platter, he lifted it from her hands and handed it to a wide-eyed Hera. "Problem solved." Taking her hand, he bowed low.

Sigyn felt her cheeks immediately grow warm. Her eyes darted around the room to be sure no one was looking. "Loki..."

He pulled her towards him as he straightened. "It isn't as though I've asked you to commit a crime. Now dance with me." He drew her onto the floor, leading her gracefully and effortlessly, gliding between couples, perfectly in time. Sigyn kept her eyes down, feeling her face glow with embarrassment.

The Burden Of Her Arms (Loki/Sigyn)Where stories live. Discover now