Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Loki ducked under the swinging sword and spun on his heel, bringing the flat of his dagger against Fandral's side. A jolt shot from his hands and down the blades, shocking Fandral. The sword clattered to the mat as the older boy stumbled away. He held his side and grimaced. His clothes were singed in various places and cuts littered his skin. He glared at Loki.

Bouncing on his toes and biting back a grin, Loki waited for the next attack. Fandral charged him, bending to grab his sword as he came. Raising the daggers and crossing them, Loki held fast under Fandral's sudden onslaught. The boy was losing and the knowledge that he was being beaten by Thor's weak younger brother forced anger and controlled desperation behind his thrusts.

Loki faltered a little and slid backwards. Fandral smirked and lifted his sword, bringing it down swiftly to jab the dulled point into Loki's side. Tumbling back, Loki fell onto his back. Fandral laughed loudly as their small crowd of watchers cheered. Gritting his teeth, Loki watched Fandral approach to finish the job. He could barely breathe, his chest rising and falling erratically. His throat was burning and his muscles quivered tiredly. He had put up a good fight but Fandral simply had more endurance.

"Get up, Loki! Get up!" He turned, surprised to find Sigyn on the side of their small ring. He blinked slowly. "Get up!"

Groaning, he rolled to his feet and slid to the side of Fandral's downward strike. He spun on his heel, bringing the flat of his dagger against the young warrior's back again. Fandral was expecting it this time and arched away in time to flip his sword. It sped under his arm and towards Loki. Grinning, Loki took the advantage he had expected.

Missing him, Fandral spun quickly to thrust and Loki caught the blade between his own. He wrenched them to the side, splitting the tip of the sword off and hearing it clatter to the floor. Sigyn cheered. Ducking slightly, Loki stepped into Fandral space. Chest to chest, he yanked on the surprised warrior's outstretched arm. Fandral stumbled into Loki's chest and the prince locked his arms around his neck, holding one dagger to his throat and the other under his ribs.

Panting heavily, Fandral laughed humorlessly. "Fine, fine. I surrender." Sigyn cheered, the only one on Loki's side of the fight. Loki grinned and let Fandral go, keeping him from falling as he stepped back. Fandral smiled and looked at his sword. "A good fight, Loki. I'm surprised."

Bowing slightly, Loki took his leave after putting his daggers away. Sigyn followed, throwing a cold, wet towel over his neck. He smiled at her, still trying to catch his breath. "Thank you." He muttered.

She smiled back. "You've come a long way since the time you fought Balirson."

"Mm..." He wiped his face and thought of the young man he had challenged years ago. Balirson had run off with some woman and they heard little of him in the palace nowadays. Throwing these concerns away, Loki wrapped an arm around Sigyn's waist and pulled her into his side. She giggled and pushed away.

"You're wet."

"I know. But I'm hungry so I don't care for a bath yet. What say you and I steal some sweets and check on our subjects?"

"Fine, but let me go! You smell."

He nuzzled into her neck, rubbing his wet hair against her. She protested laughingly and struggled to get away. "You're disgusting!" She giggled.

Grinning, Loki released her in favor of taking her hand instead. They walked to the kitchens, ducking out of sight and peeking into the bustling room. A plate of sweets sat on a counter, about to be taken with a few things for the lunch. Loki nodded to Sigyn.

"Grab the sweets and I will take the sandwiches." She nodded. He lifted one hand, rolling the wrist lazily. A green mist appeared on either side of the kitchen, taking the forms of Thor and Fandral. They ran into the kitchen and nabbed illusions of food. The cook shouted after them and chased them with a spoon.

The Burden Of Her Arms (Loki/Sigyn)Where stories live. Discover now