Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

He was calmer in the morning, and the horror had faded from his eyes. When Sigyn woke, it was to a gentle kiss and a smile. He didn't mention the night before or the day that was ahead of him. She started to ask but he silenced her with a kiss.

He made love to her that morning and held her close after, murmuring his love and his remorse, his assurances that everything would be alright. When she woke the second time, he was gone. She knew in her heart that it had been a distraction, a way to take her mind off the troubles of the night long enough to let him slip away. Loki would stay away all day to avoid her and her questions. But that didn't stop her from seeking him out. Jokull said he had gone to make peace with a friend but he knew not who.

She spent most of her day with Frigga, comforting the Queen Mother and standing by her during this ordeal. Odin slept soundly, too soundly, Frigga said.

"I fear he will not wake." She sighed and buried her face in her hands. Sigyn rubbed her back gently.

"He will. You must have faith."

Frigga smiled and looked at her. She huffed in sullen amusement. "I do not know why you hesitate to take the crown. You would make a wonderful queen."

"I would rather leave that to you." Sigyn sighed. "I promised Okoro I would go to him before evening comes. I must go if I mean to keep it."

"This Muspelheimr... He is a good friend to you?"

Sigyn smiled. "Oh yes. I could not ask for a better one. He is the brother I never had. I don't know what I'd do without him."

Frigga thought for a moment. "Your mother tells me that he has given you some sort of purpose. What does she mean?"

"His people believe their gods give them gifts. He tells me that mine is the strength of their sun goddess and her loyalty."

Frigga smiled slowly. "Oh yes... That I can agree with. Go, then. If he is what encourages you to stand by Loki then I want you to spend as much time with him as you can."

Sigyn shook her head. "My love for Loki keeps me by him. But Okoro's support certainly reassures me."

"Of what?" Frigga tilted her head.

"That I'm strong enough." She smiled a little hesitantly, as though she was trying to reassure Frigga when she was the one who needed the encouragement. She curtsied. "I should go." Frigga waved her away and she rushed to find Okoro. A guard told her he was in the gardens. She wandered the perfect hedges and colorful blooms until she found him.

He looked at her from where he sat by a fountain, staring up at the sky. He didn't smile, his lips moving in silent words as he returned his gaze to the sky. Sigyn sat beside him, listening as his finished his prayers. Finally, he smiled at her.

"How are you?" She began.

"Well. And you?"


"About?" She frowned and leaned closer to him.

"The Bifrost went off thrice today. Twice it was for the King. Once it was for the Warriors Three. And just a few hours ago, the Destroyer left the Vault. I worry about where it has gone."

Sigyn felt a chill douse her happiness. "I should find Loki."

There was a dull roar as the Bifrost spun again. Sigyn stood and ran for the palace. By the time she made it, whoever had come was inside. There was a loud crash and then the raining of rubble outside the window. A body fell.

"Thor!" Sigyn cried. "What is he doing back?"

"Never mind that!" Okoro shouted, running to the nearest doors. "Something's gone wrong!"
Guards surrounded Thor as he pushed himself to his feet. Sigyn pushed through, trying to see him.


He looked at her. "Your husband is a traitor and a liar." He snarled. His spun Mjolnir and threw it into the air, letting it pull him up. Sigyn ran past Okoro.

"Where are you going?"

"To find them!" She shouted. She ran for the stables. Okoro grabbed her by the arm.

"Don't be a fool, you cannot stop them now."

"I have to try!"

"And then what? When they fight and try to kill each other, what are you to do? You will be hurt, Sigyn, listen to me!"

She wrenched away. "Do you see that?!" She pointed towards the Bifrost. It was spinning wildly, whipping up a furious wind and roaring madly as it fired into some poor forsaken realm. "That's Loki! I have to stop him, Okoro."

"You cannot!"

"I thought you told me to rise!" She jabbed her finger towards the bridge. "This is it! Let me go!" He shook his head but didn't try to stop her again and she sprinted to the stables. "Sleipnir!" She called. The young horse stuck his head out off his stall. She unlocked the door and pulled herself up. "Your mother is in danger. Take me to the Bifrost."

Sleipnir stomped the ground and took off, bursting through the stable doors. She leaned close to his neck and held on tightly as they thundered across the palace grounds. The Bifrost cracked loudly and the ground trembled violently. Sleipnir stumbled and reared in terror. Sigyn tumbled from his back, scrambling to find purchase as an explosion blew them back. The Bifrost crumbled and fell, taking part of the bridge with it.

"Loki!" She screamed, struggling to her feet. Sleipnir reared again as she tried to calm him. "Hush, Sleipnir, hush!" He stomped and huffed and cried out but let her pull herself onto his back again. Something passed over them and she looked up in time to see Odin. "Odin!" She cried.

He paid her no mind, disappearing in the blink of an eye. She urged Sleipnir on, praying they would make it in time. But she knew. Somehow she knew and as she scrambled to the remnant of the Bridge, she saw the confirmation.

Odin stood on the fragmented bridge, gripping Thor's ankle as he hung over the edge. She skidded to a stop when she caught sight of Loki. Her stomach dropped and her already pounding heart threatened to jump from her chest.

"I could have done it, Father!" He cried.
His feet dangled uselessly and his hand slipped an inch.

"Loki!" She cried.

"I could have done it! For you! For all of us!"

She ran onto the bridge. Odin said something but she couldn't hear him over the roaring of her blood in her ears. Loki's eyes widened and his hand slackened. She heard Thor's plea echo her own. He let go.

"Loki!" The scream ripped from her throat as she fell to the bridge, leaning over the edge. She could almost see him look up at her, could almost see the despair in his eyes but she couldn't compare it to the anguish that ripped her apart.

Couldn't figure out how to fix the new formatting so I just edited it on my phone. Which is super annoying. Sigh. Anyway! That finishes the plot of Thor. Thoughts?

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