Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

It was another year before she saw Loki again. The dungeons remained closed to visitors and Thor was still off among the Nine Realms, bringing things to rights. Sigyn decided to live her life as she had been before Loki was brought home. She toiled in her garden and raised Vali and Narfi with Una's help. She visited her mother and participated in events in the town. She visited Muspelheim once more, this time to stay for a few days. They carefully avoided the subject of her husband and she was glad for it.

She remained an honorary goddess to the people but unrecognized by those in the palace. It became commonplace to see someone in need of counsel approach the fence and kneel. Their eyes always grew wide and their jaws dropped when she came out to greet them.

Her mother couldn't stop smiling. "My little girl," she mused, "a goddess. I always knew you'd do something great!"

Frigga couldn't be happier for her. "You deserve the title, my dear. I've never known a woman more faithful than you."

But it was hard to keep up. They thought she was effortlessly loyal, still madly in love with the fallen Prince, still believing he stood a chance.

She fought with herself everyday to keep up that act. But there was nothing in it for her to be loyal to him. It helped the people, though. It preserved families and strengthened young love. She was a source of comfort and wisdom, though most of it she drew from Okoro's teachings. So she bore the burden willingly, if only to see the relief in the eyes of those she helped.

The year passed and finally, Thor returned. Frigga rode to the house and knocked urgently. "There will be a meeting of the court today. I want you to be there. They will decide Loki's fate."

Sigyn's eyes widened and she ran to grab her cloak. She didn't bother to change out of her simple day dress and only changed into more comfortable shoes. Mounting her horse, she waved goodbye to her sons and Una and followed Frigga to the palace.

The court was filling with members, all murmuring and whispering and conspiring. As Frigga walked in, some bowed to her, others nodded. She walked to the dais and stood beside Odin. Sigyn took her spot close to the back and near the aisle, hoping to avoid notice. The doors opened. Loki was marched in, chains clinking loudly in the sudden silence.

His eyes scanned the court, smirking coldly. He didn't notice Sigyn and she shrank against the wall, hoping he wouldn't turn and see her.

"Loki..." Frigga murmured.

He turned to her. "Hello, mother. Have I made you proud?" He smiled.

"Don't make this worse." She warned.

"Define worse."

"Enough!" Odin barked. "I will speak to the prisoner." Frigga bowed her head and stepped away. Loki's smile fell as he walked closer, the chains clinking around him. He clicked his heels, listening to the echo of steel. He snickered.

"I really don't see what all the fuss is about."

There was an angered growl that rose through the room but it was soon silenced by Odin's glare.

"Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin, and death."

Loki shrugged. "I went down to Midgard to rule the people of earth as a benevolent god. Just like you..."

"We are not gods." Odin shook his head. "We are born, we live, we die. Just as humans do."

Loki tilted his head this way and that. "Give or take five thousand years. Besides, if even the people of Asgard are so willing to worship us... Then why not the humans?"

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