Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Loki stayed in the outskirts of the party once the dining hall was cleared. He wandered the edges of the room, watching the revelries of his brother and his friends' and searching for Sigyn in the throng of servants that weaved in and out of the drunken crowd.

He caught her eyes just as she looked with disdain at an intoxicated young woman standing very close to Fandral. The young warrior's face was flushed and his eyelids heavy as he spoke to her.

Smiling, Loki snuck behind Sigyn and bent to whisper to her. "I wonder if you'd be so pliable with a bit of wine?"

She jumped and turned a bright red, kicking backwards to hit him in the shin. He grunted but laughed and continued to walk. She knew he would never truly mean such a thing but the implications made her flutter with nervousness.

He caught her gaze again and looked towards Fandral, rolling his eyes. She bit her lip to hide a smile and scurried off for more treats from the kitchens.

There was yelling suddenly and Loki looked around, curious. There was a man only a little older than Thor, wide in girth but displaying more muscle than would be supposed for his size. His beard was already growing long and his cheeks were flushed with drink. He was challenging Thor to a contest. Ale was poured and the two raced to finish. Some cheered for Thor, others for this man, Volstagg. Loki sighed and rolled his eyes, going back to Sigyn's side.

"I grow tired of their foolishness. I will retire to my rooms."

She nodded to him and he slipped away, almost unnoticed save for the eye of Odin. The All-Father's gaze swept to Sigyn and he watched her escape after his son, slipping out by the kitchens. He sighed heavily and wondered how far they would go before he was forced to step in.


The morning air was crisp and the suns rose lazily into the sky, scaring away the last of her sleepiness. Sigyn was walking to meet Loki by the entrance of the palace. He had gone with Thor, Fandral, and Volstagg in Odin's stead to settle a dispute in Alfheim. Once the battle was won and negotiations settled however, they remained for a few days. It had been over a week since Sigyn had heard from Loki and she was impatient to hear of their work. She had kept herself easily busy, working with her mother and growing to know Frigga whenever there was no danger of running into Odin.

The queen liked the company of the teenaged girl and enjoyed the gossip surrounding various people in the palace. She often laughed at the rumors. She delighted in Sigyn's curiosity about queenly duties and the affairs of the court and she was very happy when Sigyn asked to be taught some of the dances seen at balls.

They had spent the last few days together, talking and laughing, whiling away the time when neither of them were needed elsewhere. Sigyn smiled at this. Her heart was happy knowing she had friends in Loki and Friggga and even Thor, especially when the servants she had grown up working with were beginning to turn on her. They mocked her for her feelings for Loki and spread rumors behind her back.

Even her mother had asked her one night if her virtue was intact. Sigyn had been deeply offended but she was learning not to let them get to her. Still, Loki had been her support when these things happened. He would mock the rumors and tell her secrets about the very servants whispering about her. It was hard to remain unaffected without his callous dismissal of their opinion to fuel her own.

Quick steps came towards her in the hall, followed by the heavy steps of a group. Thor and Fandral were speaking with Odin about all that had gone on. Loki shared his opinion and report before moving ahead of them. Catching sight of Sigyn, his face lit up and he ran to her. He took her hand and pulled her to the nearest balcony. Odin's gaze followed them as he and Thor walked past.

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