Chapter 8

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Part Two

Chapter 8

Loki trudged into his room late into the night. His body was heavy and his mind fogged with exhaustion. He and Thor had ridden all over Alfheim, or so it felt. They had been sent on Odin's behalf to settle a dispute between the light elves and the fire forgers of Muspelheim. It hadn't been particularly difficult, the two sides needed only an uninvolved, level-headed party to intervene.

Although, Thor had a short temper and the constant bickering and heckling endured during this visit had nearly prompted him to lay the first blow. Loki had managed to keep him calm and the problem was finally settled. It had taken all day but that in itself was quite an accomplishment.

Sighing in relief as he pulled his armor off, he glanced towards the bed, glad to be able to sleep at home tonight rather than in the home of an elf. He frowned as he noticed that the bed wasn't readied. Where was Sigyn?

She had not met him by the gates and he had expected she would be here. The door opened and a young teenage boy hurried in. He bowed low, his face red and eyes darting.

"Apologies, my Prince. I was not aware you would be returning tonight. My name is Jokull."

Loki stared at him in silence. His brows drew close and lowered. The boy shifted on his feet, keeping his eyes down and focused on Loki's chest plate. His face grew steadily redder and his eyes wider. Finally, Loki spoke. "What do you want?"

The boy looked up. "I came to ready your bed, my Prince."

"Where is Sigyn?"

The boy blinked quickly and frowned. "She's probably just arrived at her new master's establishment. I was assigned to take her place."

"Her... What?"

The boy shifted. "I was assigned to you, my lord. That is all I know. I apologize. I-If t'would please my lord-"

Ignoring the boy's blubbering, Loki strode from the room. The servant came after him, having to run to keep up with his ground-eating strides. Knocking furiously on Frigga's private room, Loki waited.

A door opened inside and then the outer door opened slowly. Frigga looked out curiously. "Is something wrong?"

Loki gestured violently towards the boy. "This child tells me that Sigyn has a new master and he is to serve me in her stead. Did you know of this?"

Frigga hesitated. Sighing lowly, she stepped back into her room and opened the door further. She nodded to the servant. "Ready your master's bed and then go to your own."

He bowed. "Yes, my Queen."

Loki walked into Frigga's private room slowly. He sat on the edge of her desk, waiting with bated breath for the truth. There was a pressure in his chest and a painful coiling in his stomach. Frigga stood in front of him, one hand crossed over her chest and holding her other arm. She raised her free hand to his shoulder.

"What happened? Between you and Sigyn?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. I saw her only briefly after the banquet, when she came to finish her nightly duties. We... We said goodnight and that was all. I did not see her this morning."

"Are you sure? What of the balcony? I saw you two out there."

He shrugged. "I kissed her. But she did not protest and she didn't seem to dislike my attention. I don't see what could have happened." His brows drew together. "You mean to tell me she left willingly? Because of me?"

Frigga looked down, rocking back on her heels. "She has not told me anything and her mother was too upset to work today so I know very little. But your father tells me that she was unhappy serving you and came to him to request a transfer. She was afraid that you would hurt her again and did not want to live in doubt."

The Burden Of Her Arms (Loki/Sigyn)Where stories live. Discover now