ꅏꍏꋪꋪꀤꂦꋪꌗ PT. 2

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Sykkuno falls back into the bouncy comforter and relishes in the feathery sensations spreading across his open skin. Has he always felt so at peace?

He kissed someone! A stranger! Oh boy.. Sykkuno covers his face and turns to face the wall where the door stays shut. He really can't remember the last time.. no, his mother and sister. They were his happiness, weren't they?

Sykkuno met George, Karl, Dream.. Corpse. The Asian brunette can admit Corpse really is.. a dashing young man. Sykkunos positive he has suitors! He,— is this normal to have a fling, and not commit to a person for corpse? The brunette doesn't know him well enough, so what took over? His genitals? His libido?

He fumbles for his belt and undresses in the night gown they left for him. He squeals when he realizes how long the godforsaken, dress is! He chuckles awkwardly to no one but himself, and chucks his dirtied buttoned up for the gown. He begrudgingly scoots into bed and quiets his thoughts. He breathes in and out, until he can think nothing of the messy squabble earlier and those red eyes. Certainly not those red eyes..


Sykkuno startles awake. The voice evokes fear in his eyes, and moments later he's seeing green eyes staring back at him. Not in fear, but behind a veil of contemplation and patience. Sykkuno reaches out but their shifted weight spooks him. Those green eyes shrink and he's now faced with his own reflection, except his eyes remain the same emerald.

"Can you hear me?" Sykkuno watches his reflection get comfortable on the ground on his knees, and suggests Sykkuno do the same. The brunette follows suit anyways, and assumes this is going to be the new normal for him.
"It's nice to formally meet you, Sykkuno." The brunette can recognize his own voice, but this wasn't it. It's different somehow.

Sykkuno gets ready to get on his feet again when he realizes, that this presence is the dragon's! The same beast George and the rest were forewarning him about! The same one that ate him!

He settles back down when his reflections dones a smirk and tries to hold back their laughter. "Have you realized? I'm sure you have.. there's nothing to fear. If anything you should be rejoicing."

Sykkunos reflection doesn't say anything else but smile and waits. The brunette doesn't know what to do now. He was called here right? Or.. did he somehow ask for their meet up? That isn't possible, since he doesn't have control of this.. power right? He has power?

"Unimaginable power. You're not a dragon. I've passed on my years of practice, to you. A now immortal." His reflection's now dressed in.. a white Hanfu. Sykkuno hasn't seen that style of wear since his distant relativesvery distant relatives came to visit him. Was this.. immortal, his, should Sykkuno call this, dragon his master since technically Sykkuno is his protégé?

Sykkuno lifts a hand to see his own arm covered in the same beautiful, delicate silk. He blinks, and looks up to see his reflection chuckle behind a sleeve.
"Your body should be changing due to the aftermath.. don't worry, it's nothing bad, but you will need to change to be able to handle the magic." His reflection reassures the fumbling brunette, and he takes pleasure in his protégés worry.

Sykkuno just returns to sitting comfortably and smiles, despite his thoughts trying to reorganize his level of what he can, and can't comprehend.
"Things will make sense in the morning.. Ah! And my name, I'm Jeremiah, but you may call me Jeremy."

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