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THANK YOU! For the support and the sweet to the strangest comments ever! Lol I love reading them and I'm glad Corpsekkuno fans are so expressive! These two really are cute, and it's hard "not sexualizing" them by writing a smut scene, what a way to contradict myself. Like, I can't even pull the "im gay" card. Some authors just get into kinks and make it, just.. uncontrollably smutty? Whereas you could've done with two characters you made up? Like, when you make it, uncontrollably smutty, and explore your own strange kinks, that.. feels like your sexualizing them.
It's hard to to say.. because everyone will think differently, or have their own opinion. I really don't have sex dreams about these two. I don't fantasize about Corpse and Sykkuno having sex. I don't. That's, not where my fan-fiction stems from. I REALLY try to capitalize on romanticism in my sex scenes, for all my stories, and sometimes that's hard because male intercourse makes you undeniably horny, when you imagine it. I still have a VERY hard time making sex romantic, without getting carried away, lolll it's hard putting it into words, like loving someone. It's tough doing that. There might be an exhibition Kink? Erm.. semi-public sex? SEE! I just contradicted myself lol

Thanks for listening!


The place is buzzing with life. Crowds of people have joined to celebrate. Hands are raised up, and heads are turned to congratulate, the club owners success for other reasons. Everyone cheers and throws their heads back in joyous unison. They clink glasses and guzzle down the addicting beverages' handed out as prize, for their gratitude for the owners favor.

Everything was slowly winding down. The voices grew quiet and the whispers lulled their victims into a false sense of security. The whispers enthrall audience members willing to fall under the sweet temptation baring fangs and red tongues. they stumble into a pair of waiting arms, and rear back when the pain erupts into arousal. The vampires are all feasting on their own prey, sucking up the delicacy called human blood.

   All types of vampires congregate for parties such as this, and so does a notorious vampire hunter. He lingers in the shadows, pressed against the booths padding hidden away in the shadows depths, behind the curtain strewn down by the vampire on top of them. The pair hadn't expected to see the other in a place like this. Because neither attended parties like this for pleasure or pain. Their relationship has been a steady uphill of both, why come to a place like this as a reminder?

  "Dare I ask, what're you doing here?" It's the hunter who speaks first, above the thrumming music bouncing off the walls with the sound of his caged heart. It's overwhelming for Corpse.. the so-called renowned hunter, looking up past the vampires fallen bangs. "You look good," the words fall from Corpses lips, and the vampire smiles. It breaks the dangerous glint in his eyes and he seems to sink into Corpses weight.

  "I came here to congratulate my friends opening. they've done a lot to deserve this support. the vampires in this region respect him now and the evolutionary ideas meant to protect us. Feeding won't be a problem anymore." The vampire, Presses a cold hand against Corpses tan cheek. He's been touched by the sun, trained under the sweltering heat and working his day job. The vampire runs a smooth thumb under Corpse's waterline, and there's traces of fallout from the eyeliner. Corpse isn't a sloppy person, the vampire thinks.

Corpse got his hours in, "Sykkuno, answer me," Sykkuno thinks, and he brings his face closer for a kiss. The intent is there but Corpse tilts Sykkuno's chin up. "I told you why.. it's only, for t-tonight! if you keep taking my people out like this, Ill.. have to retaliate." Sykkuno's hand had wormed its way down, ghosting his nails along Corpses peach fuzz. His hand cups the side of Corpses throat and he gives it a test, his hand gives it a squeeze.

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