Chapter 16

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Oliver sighs "Johnathan? Are you ok you seem to be sad lately? What's wrong you can tell me?"

Johnathan looks at him "I've been drinking that's what. Also this week is when my mom died. Why do you care you never ask or care how I'm feeling?"

Oliver frowns "I'm sorry this new for me I've never been in a serious relationship before."

Johnathan kisses him "Well I can teach you how to be a good boyfriend. Step one: When your boyfriend is sad cuddle with him and don't tell his dad he has been drinking."

Oliver giggles "I love you."

Johnathan froze and tilted his head Oliver covered his mouth "Oli?"

Oliver then relaxed he couldn't believe he actually admitted it he never thought he wouldn't but he did. "If you're not sure you don't have to say it but I'm 100% sure I do."

Johnathan looks down "I'm sorry I mean we've only been dating for 2 months I don't know how I feel yet."

Oliver kisses his head "It's all Good if it turns out you don't love me I will let you leave it will hurt but I'm not gonna hold you back."

Johnathan POV:

I then felt different, Oli would let me go for my happiness. He would actually make himself hurt if it meant I would be happy? I loved him I was sure of it at that moment it was like nothing else mattered. So I smile like a fool and said "I love you too."


Oliver kisses him on the lips "Ok because I really don't think I could actually survive without you. I was telling the truth if you ever want to brake up for any reason tell me I will never stop loving you but if you do then you can go I promise I will never force you into anything."

Johnathan nods "I know and I will do the same for you. Now are we still gonna cuddle and probably fall asleep?"

Oliver cuddles with him and playing with his hair "We can be very cute when we want to be."

Johnathan giggles "That we can."


Justin looks across the table "So I have a question?"

Mason smiles "And what would that question be?"

Justin sighs "ok number one are you gay bi or what?"

Mason laughs "Well I like who I like."

Justin nods "Do you like me?"

Mason pretend to think about it "Of course I do. Is you next question something like are we dating? Because I thought I made it very clear we were. I mean I don't think friends have a bath together? If they do then good for them I guess."

Justin laughs "Ok good, erm when I was 17 I had my first boyfriend he was so nice he treated me right and then I find out he was dating someone else as well. I was so humiliated, I really just don't want that to happen again."

Mason stood up taking Justin's hand "We can help each other with our messed up lives ok?"


Johnathan walks into the living room "Dad I'm ho.... Ew ew ew ew no I did not just see you having se..."

Justin cut him off "No you wittiness something heated but no you didn't see what you were about to say mister so get in here and come say hi to my boyfriend."

Johnathan walks in "Hi it's really nice to meet you but I'm gonna go because I just witnessed you making out with my dad so if you'll excuse me I am going to my boyfriend Oliver because he can get that image out of my head so I will see you in a bit."

Justin went to protest but he was already out the door "I'm sorry about that."

Mason kisses his cheek "Don't worry he's a teenage boy. We were like that once."


Oliver played with Johnathan's hair "Don't worry baby he didn't know you would be home early."

Johnathan nods "I know it was just a shock I thought it would just be me and him forever."

Oliver sighs "I know, but now think about it now you can you can I have a brand new life. With two loving people in your life you also have me."

Johnathan giggles at the last part "I love you."

Oliver smiles "Love you too do you wanna make out are you not in the mood? I'm bored I thought you could entertain me." He said with a smirk.

Johnathan was the first to start the kissing "I will never not be in the mood to kiss you love." Oliver smiles and they continued kissing.

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