Chapter 28

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Justin walks into Johnathan's room "I thought we could have...."

Johnathan threw Oliver his shirt "It's not what it looks like we were just taking a.. er nap right Oli?"

Oliver nods "Yup."

Justin shook his head "Don't act like I'm stupid I know what's going on and I don't like it."

Jonathan frowns "Chill out its not that big of a deal dad."

Justin sighs "Yes it you live under my roof you don't live here to be inappropriate."

Johnathan crossed is arms "You are such a hypocrite I walk in on you and Mason making out all of the time."

Justin rolls his eyes "Mason and I are different we are Adults! You are 15 and you're not doing this in my house. Which I kindly let you live in rent free and you're not even my kid." Justin put a hand over his mouth "Wait no I didn't mean that forget I said that."

Johnathan tears up "I knew you didn't want me."

Justin sighs "No I do do want you of course I do why would I have adopted you."

Johnathan hides his face in Oliver's  neck "Yes you did."

Oliver held him "I'm sorry Sir I he's had a couple drinks I will take him to my place so he can recover again i'm sorry for being inappropriate."

Justin froze "Drinks? As in Alcohol?"

Oliver nods "Yeah he wouldn't stop actually."

Justin eyes start forming tears "Blaine was right."

Johnathan rolled his eyes "Yeah I drink now deal with it."

Justin shook his head "after what I've been through No I won't deal with it I think it's best you do leave."

Johnathan looks down "Sorry dad. Can we talk tomorrow?"

Justin nods slowly "Yeah. Just need to clear my head just leave before I do something I may regret."

Johnathan goes and spends the night at Oliver's house. He stayed there waiting for Justin to tell him he could come home.

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