Pic and a Quote inspired from Rick & Morty

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{Note; I stand for the "Technoblade plays the violin to sooth the voices" headcanon.}

DUET + Tommy


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Nova: "You'd rather believe I'm naturally evil than admit you were a bad father?!"

Bill: "Oh man- no! Bad father all the way to the max over here. I'm a fûcking nutcase."

Bill, getting out a box: "And the acorn plopped straight down. Look at some of the shit your brother and I made for you as a kid!"

Bill, listing down the items while taking them out: "Guns that look like water guns, a whip that sets people on fire, invisible ropes, jars that traps spirits, jars that trap PEOPLE, electrical traps, teddy bear with anatomically correct inners, mind-reading goggly eyes, a knife that traps the souls of its victims, fake IDs, false fingerprints, race cars with TNT inside, fall-asleep-darts, a book of curses & jinxes, poisonous gum,"

Bill, taking out the last item: "And a indestructible scythe that you can change its own size, cut through anything and can catch on fire by command!"

Bill: "Compared to yourself now, you calmed down from the pyromaniac anarchist PYSCHO you used to be.

Bill: "Probably from those music lessons and therapy sessions Chara sent you in, IDK—"



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