Undertale: Monster Souls

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So we all know that monster souls are white. But I have a small headcanon that when monsters reach a certain age, the trait they showed the most will become the color of their soul. But they can make their soul become white, the color will show inside the soul.

Think of the souls as the colors of the rainbow, it's color is reflected by the light. The light is white like monster souls. And monster souls are made of Hope.

But if a soul starts to become black, that mean that the Hope in their soul is changing to Hate.

Also I think if you fused the traits Determination with Hate, it will make a new trait. I call it Insanity.

Also maybe the fusion of soul traits is how we got Bravery, Perseverance, and Kindness. It's like mixing color.

To make Perseverance, you would have to fuse Patience with Determination.

To make Bravery, you would have to fuse the Justice and Determination.

And to make Kindness, you would have to fuse Justice and Patience.

I made a long one shot about the Underfell Papyton child Trajan when he gets his soul trait, but I accidentally put it in my OC Book and I don't know how to put it in here.

Welp that's it. I live for cringe, bye for now!

Word Count:225

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