I got tagged by Chocolate_Corpation

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Choco_Corpation tagged me and others to say ten things about ourselves.

1. I'm love fries, as in extremely love that specific food.

2. I have two brothers

3. I'm a musical fan.

4. As well as a anime fan for Madoka Magica, Fairytail, Soul Eater, Boku No Hero Academia, and other animated shows & movies that I shall not say.

5. I based my online persona off a Chara from Undertale, Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls, and a bit from Ink!Sans from the Undertale fandom.

6. I'm a low key smutty person.

7. I like certain cringy stuff. I said some to a friend of mine once with puns, and she went insane.
I had no regrets.

8. I also like chocolate, and I do bake.

9. I'm a Fander and created my own Sides

10. If I had to choose two abilities/powers, it would be able to create portals and to go as fast as Quicksilver from X-Men Apocalypse.

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