Twist in Fate

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The battle in Kamino had begun a full on brawl. On both sides, the strongest of the heroes and villains clashed. Symbol of Peace vs Symbol of Evil. As they did, a small group of students had struggled to think of a way to save their kidnapped friend. Izuku stood behind a giant piece of rubble with four of his classmates preparing a plan to save their friend. As they did however, Endeavor the number 2 hero came in to face off against the League.

"Alright Shigaraki. Today you and the League will meet their end."

"You truly think that Endeavor? How wrong you are." Shigaraki nearly avoids an explosion from an ash blond by the name of Bakugou who had been their prisoner until not too long ago.

"DIE YOU CRUSTY ASS PIECE OF SHIT!" He let another blast out for one of the League members to block him.

"Kid! Get out of here!" The pro shouted for Bakugou to ignore him and continue fighting the villains. One by one, more pros showed up with Shigaraki noticing he was starting to get overwhelmed.

'There's no way all these pros are gonna take me in. I can't go down like this!' Instinctively, he ran as fast as he could with Endeavor noticing and giving chase.

"Damn he's fast, but that bastard wont get away! GET BACK HERE!" He stormed off as fast as he could with the group seeing the pros taking Bakugou away while holding off the rest of the League.

"Well, I suppose this is the end of the League once and for all." Iida breathed a sigh of relief before looking over and seeing Izuku nowhere to be found. "Where'd Midoriya go!?"

As Shigaraki attempted to leave, Izuku gave chase of his own in hopes to avoid the villain from escaping. 'If I can keep a trace on Shigaraki, even if I don't stop him myself, I can call in where he is and end the League before anyone else has to get hurt by them.' Though he wasn't 'close' friends with Bakugou, Izuku felt this kidnapping personally and wanted to avoid anyone else getting captured or worse by the monster known as Tomura Shigaraki. He began following Endeavor's flames first off to make sure he was in the right area before noticing the pro diverge a bit in a way to state he lost track. 'He must've gone in a narrow alleyway that Endeavor can't see in the air. If he gets somewhere where he can hide, it's over.'

Getting to an alley almost completely closed off, Izuku notices Shigaraki running to chase after him. "You're here too you little brat!?"

"It's over Shigaraki. Surrender now and we can end this!"

Looking around to find a way to take the initiative, Shigaraki began seeing a small girl with white hair and red eyes running in the opposite direction of him. He immediately grabbed the girl and held four of his five fingers around her neck towards Izuku. "I wouldn't get any closer if I was you. If you do, this little girl's neck will crumble away and her head drop off her body like a sack of potatoes. Do you want that on your conscience?"

The girl began to shake violently before the sound of a fourth person came into the alley to make her blood go even colder. "Of course I find some heart throbbing hero and a maniacal freak." A man in a plague mask came out of the shadows wearing a green jacket and what looked like surgical gloves on his hands. "Sorry to get in the middle of all this, but would you mind handing Eri back to me?"

"Who the hell are you, plague doctor!?"

"You know damn well who I am Shigaraki and I even asked nicely. Now, hand her over now before you'll regret it." The small child started shaking more for Izuku to take notice of bandages on her arms and legs. "Hey kid." Izuku turned to see the man with agitation showing on his face. "You a hero or something?" He shook his head no for the plague doctor to chuckle to himself a bit. "Then this makes it easier." The glove over one of his hands was torn away before he slammed it on the ground for the cement pavement to transform into spikes coming at both.

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