Carpet Crawler

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 Days continued to pass with the autumn chill getting to everyone. For the most part, the girls began wearing longer clothing with Eri being able to try some clothing Ochako had as a child. The shirt she had on right now looked more like a dress on how it fit her with a pair of long pants that Mina liked wearing as a kid to go along with it. Meanwhile, Tenko began wearing more clothing than just onesies with Izuku's old long sleeve and sweats from his infant years fitting like a glove for him. To the side, Tsu and Yui had been watching the two through glances while working on some of their homework.

"Tenko is getting rather big." Yui stated as she noticed both the small infant's size as well as his own strength to keep himself up on his own.

"Yeah. Izuku's really happy about it too. Apparently, the babies in his family grow a bit bigger than most before leveling out to the common 50%. Range."

"Impressive." The two kept going on with their work while a thought came to the small dark haired girl's mind. "So what made Izuku have to head out?"

"All Might said he needed to do something in regards to meeting up with someone or something along that line. He's been very adamant about it to the point he was about ready to flat out yell at All Might before accepting it. It kinda shocked me since Izuku isn't the type to get mad at his father *ribbit*." Tsu responded back while sipping some of her tea.

As the two spoke, Tenko began to notice Monchan coming over with a ball in his mouth to drop it and lay down in front of the child. Being as excited as he normally was, Tenko tried his best to move to Monchan with his knees starting to pull up and going on all fours. "Ba." He began crawling very slowly before picking up speed knowing he's now got the trick. Getting to Monchan, Tenko reached out to pet the dog before having Monchan lick his fingers in excitement. Tenko started to giggle before seeing Monchan walk away. Tenko tried to follow with his arms and legs starting to get the hang of moving on his own. He moved his torso up to be supported by his knees and slowly made his way towards the small dog with a huge smile on his face. Noticing this, Yui immediately stopped what she was doing to realize what was happening.

"Tsu. Look." Yui started hitting Tsu with her hand quickly to get her attention for the frog girl to wince and look up.

"Ow. What?"

"Look at Tenko." A look of immense joy was on her face as the Size quirk user looked like a kid getting a new toy for Christmas and shrieking like the school girl she was. "He's learning to crawl!" Tsu immediately turned to see Tenko following Monchan into the kitchen giggling as he did.

"That's so cute. I need to videotape this and send it to Izuku."

"Way ahead of you on that one." Yui spoke up, already having her phone out and recording Tenko's small journey to follow Monchan. To the side of them however, Sero began walking out of the guys' side unaware of what was happening and looking at his phone. "Crap! SERO! STOP!"

"Huh?" The Tape quirk user looked up to see Tsu's tongue right under him and pull Tenko out of the way. "Wait, why was Tenko over by the stairs? You're all normally really good with keeping him away from them."

"It's because he was learning how to crawl." Yui pointed out, somewhat worried Tenko was going to get hurt.

"Shoot. I'm sorry, I didn't know. You ok, Tenko? I didn't hurt you, did I?" Tenko merely laughed it off as if he didn't even realize what was happening and was being held up above Tsu's head by her tongue. "I'll take that as he's ok. I'll make sure to tell everyone in the group chat to be more careful coming down the steps or moving around the common area for a carpet crawler."

"At least you're trying."

"I wemebwa showmdig Ishukhu hadh." Tsu spoke with her tongue still out holding Tenko before sliding it back in her mouth and putting Tenko in her arms. "Izuku had something for this moment so people could be more careful." The frog girl placed Tenko back on the ground with Monchan walking over to lick his cheek. This forced the infant to start shrieking in excitement.

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