Follow Ups

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"That's us, you two." Izuku had grabbed Tenko to bring him into the doctor's office. Behind him, Itsuka held Eri's hand as they walked in shortly after.

"Seems Eri is doing well since the last time I saw her." The assistant made small talk with Izuku as they walked down the halls.

"Yeah. We've been trying to help instill in her that doctors are people that help others and don't hurt them to not be afraid of them."

"It seems to work." The assistant noticed Eri stop and stare at a room with a patient who was smiling as one of her colleagues handled a routine checkup. "So how has everything been so far?"

"As far as I can tell, nothing notable that has to be mentioned."

Now noticing Itsuka isn't Nejire, the assistant questions about it. "So who's the other girl? Your secret lover?" The assistant laughed a bit as the Big Fist quirk user introduced herself.

"I'm one of Izuku's girlfriends. Itsuka Kendo."

"So Eri and Tenko have more than one mommy? Aren't you a little ladykiller." Izuku went red hearing this as the assistant let them in the room. "Let's start with Eri. Last time she was here, she was notably underweight and still suffering from malnutrition." The assistant looked at Eri and had her eyes turn gold. "Well from what I can tell, your pulse is doing well. Nutrient factor is roughly about average on the lower end for your age. Blood pressure is good. Muscle structure is a tad lower than normal, not shocking since there's still drawbacks from your life up till now. Thus far, you're on a really good track sweetheart. Now let's see what your weight is."

Hearing how quickly this went, Itsuka leaned over to Izuku to whisper in his ear. "Does she have a quirk that can see into the human body?"

"Actually, yes. The assistant to the doctor is able to see the base stuff for the body like how it handles. I asked if only the main doctor could handle Eri last round since there's one less doctor she'd have to fear."

"Smart." Once the assistant was done with Eri, she turned to Tenko and took a look at his body. "Body structure seems fine, nerve structure is good. Muscle growth is going really well for an infant his age. Nutrients are on the higher norm. May I?" The assistant asked with her hands out for Izuku to pass Tenko to her and sit him on a scale with his onesie off. "Hmm...A little heavy for his age. Is he getting enough exercise?"

"As far as I am aware, but I can try and get him more active if that needs to be the case."

"I recommend it so he doesn't start developing too much fat on his body. Keeps him healthier and happier."

"Understood." Izuku was given Tenko again for him to sit the infant down in the seat with him being given a toy to play with.

"I should also warn you both that going forward, Tenko will most likely begin developing a quirk. Depending on his biological parent's quirks, it will most likely be some form of either or or a mutation of both. There is the unlikelihood that it will be something completely different than either, but the chances of that being the case are next to zero." Izuku and Itsuka continued to discuss things over with the assistant with Tenko accidentally dropping his toy on the ground. Wanting it back, he began moving to his stomach and start crawling downwards. However, what he didn't expect was to be crawling in a different fashion than he was used to. Noticing this, Eri pulled Itsuka's green dress to get her attention and point to Tenko.

"Tenko is floating."

Turning to see this, the three saw Tenko crawling on the air as if it was solid ground for Izuku to freak out. "OH MY GOD!" He immediately grabbed Tenko before he could accidentally deactivate the quirk and hurt himself to nearly have a panic attack. "It's ok Tenko. Don't worry."

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