Aunt Inko

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Sitting in the rocking chair cradling the baby in her arms, Yui held Tenko close to her as he drifted to sleep with their dog beside them. Meanwhile, Eri had been getting her hair braided by Mina as she somewhat wished to try looking 'cuter' as she phrased it. As this occurred, the three watched Izuku do push ups with everyone else he was dating on a couch on top of his back.

"Does daddy always work out?"

"Yeah. Your daddy is really strong and fights to keep getting tougher." Mina watched with some jealousy as she wanted to be the couch riding on Izuku's back and feeling his muscles press against her. 'Never thought I'd want to be furniture in my life.'

"Alright. I think that's enough of a work out for today." Izuku moved to have the sofa slide off him and back to where it was as the girls on top of it stayed on it without much concern. "Thanks for the help, girls."

"Anytime." They responded with happiness before the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!"

"SSSHHHHH!!!" Yui shushed Toru as Tenko began moving in his sleep to wake up a bit to grip Yui's shirt in hopes to keep her close. "You're lucky he didn't cry."

"Sorry. Didn't mean to." Toru walked to the entrance to open the door and smiled seeing a small green haired woman who held similar features to her boyfriend. "You must be Mrs. Midoriya."

"Why yes. And who might you be?"

Toru gave her hand out to shake while responding. "My name's Toru Hagakure. I'm one of your son's girlfriends and his classmate. It's really nice to meet you."

Hearing that she was part of Izuku's harem, Inko smiled upon meeting Toru revealing to her where Izuku got his own smile from. "My baby boy has such a nice girl in his harem. I'm so proud of him."

They entered the dormitory with Izuku instantly spotting his mother and getting up from the floor to greet her. "Mom. I'm really happy to see you again."

"Izuku." The mother and son hugged before the sound of Tenko getting fussy got his attention.

Looking to see the baby, Inko stopped for a moment to try and comprehend what she was seeing. "Izuku. Is that your son?"

Trying to help by getting Tenko's favorite white rabbit stuffed animal, Izuku explained it the best way he could at the moment. "To avoid deep detail at the moment, he kinda is." When Tenko calmed down Izuku held him in his arms to show his mother. "Mom. This is Tenko."

"Aww, that's so sweet that you're naming your first born after your cousin."

"That's because he is my cousin. I think it's best you sit down before we explain this." She agreed for Izuku to sit down across from her while explaining the ordeals with how Tenko and Eri became his children and what happened to Shigaraki. "So, I know it's a bit much to take in at the moment but that's how he became a baby." Inko remained still with it, worrying Izuku. "Mom. You ok?" She started falling backwards, reacting quickly, Sero grabbed Tenko from her arms with his tape before she could fall. The ordeal was looked at as comical for the small child as he was seen babbling, about the experience despite nobody able to understand him, in Sero's arm.

"Deku, is your mom ok!?"

"Yeah, she's fine. Usually when we drop major news on her this is how she processes it. Her mind ceases up when she takes too much in at once and she faints. She passed out when she met Momo for the first time."

"A pity, I didn't know she was going to do this and began panicking thinking she got herself hurt." Momo says while holding a mirror for Eri to see Mina's handiwork for this to be enjoyed by the small girl.

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