Tales of Couples

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After returning home, the group of four sat down on the sofa with Tenko immediately starting to get fussy. "Oh, somebody isn't happy." Picking him up, Izuku bounced back and forth trying to calm the infant down. "What's the matter?" Feeling his diaper, Izuku smiled at Tenko before walking towards the stairs. "Looks like someone needs a diaper change. Eri, I'll be right back. Tenko just needs to get changed."

"Ok." Eri watched as her father left the room to help Tenko with Rumi in casual jeans and a long sleeve that's hole for the head came down her shoulders to reveal her black bra kicking down the door shortly after she was out of sight.


"Do you always have to knock something down when you enter a closed room? Sometimes I think you're mindset is the same as Bakugou's." Tsu spoke up from the kitchen where her, Ochako, Kinoko and Yui were making something sweet for dessert tonight since it was starting to get a little cold and a little more heft to meals in the fall isn't a bad thing.

"Yeah. Best part of my job." She laughed while walking over to sit down towards Eri and put her feet up. "So where's the shrub?"

"Izuku just went up to change Tenko. He'll be down in a little bit." Nejire commented while her and Eri took a sip from their milkshakes that were leftover from their lunch.

"What kind of psycho eats ice cream in the cold?"

"I like ice cream in the cold." The sound of Itsuka coming down the stairs was heard for her to be followed by Momo, Mina and Toru. "And what part of it makes me crazy?"

"I don't know. It's cold out, so why would you want something that's cold? It's kinda up there with the people that chew on ice cubes." The sound of crunching was heard for everyone to see Shoko in the corner eating a cup of ice cubes. "Of course you'd do that."

"To heck what you think, horny rabbit."

"Hey. I don't hear the shrub complaining he gets a pro hero as a girlfriend."

"Oh, I was right, Tenko. Your mommy Rumi is here." Izuku walked down with Tenko in his arms to sit next to Eri as he began playing with a small stuffed rabbit. Tuxxy walked over to them to lay between the father and daughter while Monchan tried to hop up on the couch to still be too small to make it.

Seeing everyone in the room, Eri began to think again about something that's been troubling her since the beginning. "Hey daddy?"

"Yes sweetheart."

"...How did you and all my mommies get together?" Looking at the girls as a whole, they all shrugged their shoulders understanding it's realistic for her to know.

"Well you see Eri, quite a few things happened for everyone to be together." Holding Tenko in one arm, Izuku pulled Monchan on the couch for him to lay on Izuku's lap and nuzzle close up to Tenko. "I think we should start with when I first got into UA since this kinda starts there."

Ochako came over to lean on the couch above where Eri was to smile. "It was a few days into UA and your father already made a big first impression with me before. I'll admit, when the entrance exams came, I thought he was a bit of a goofball tripping over his own feet at the entrance. But he proved himself during the exam, saving me and again on the first and second day. By the time the second week came, I found myself in love with him and I...kinda...slipped a...love letter to him." Ochako blushed saying this somewhat embarrassed of how she went about it. "*ahem* Anyway, your father accepted me and that's how we started."

"Mine came after the USJ." Tsu spoke up for everyone to turn to the frog girl who was calmly placing her finger on her chin. "During a field trip to a place called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or 'USJ' as it was called, we were attacked by villains. Izuku helped by attacking one that was trying to kill me. He didn't hesitate. He didn't even have to think to save me. This was really important to me since not a lot of people growing up were fond of me and my froggy features. But even though we still were technical strangers, he defended me and was willing to go out of his way to save me."

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