Chapter 9 - Family Chaos

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Picture is of Evelyn's after she shifts. I know it changed and is a different leopard then before but I did it on purpose. All will be explained in due time but for now I'll leave it at that.

Chapter 9 (Evelyn's POV)

Family Chaos

It's funny how even with everything going on I can still be deliriously happy. Shopping went well. I think I underestimated the notability of my baby bump. There were some stares, not judgmental ones. They seemed more curious and confused. I think they could tell that we were young but they also seemed to notice how in love and happy we were. Are. I was a little more careful with my shirt choice today. It was one thing to mess up and have my parents think we are getting married because of the babies but it's another for them to see a baby bump when I'm only two months, which for humans would only be one month. I couldn't explain that. It simply doesn't happen for humans. Right now I was scrambling to get stuff finished before my parents arrived. I had twenty minutes. I racked my brain trying to think of something I missed.

"Babe, calm down. Everything is perfect. We are ready for this."

"I'm just nervous. It's actually kind of ironic that I'm more nervous to see my parents then I ever was yours."

"Well that tends to happen when my parents practically begged us to stop using condoms. Plus I distinctly remember that your mom tends to act like she has a stick up her ass. Not that it makes her any less loving. Then you have my mom who at the New Years party right after we met tried to get us drunk so that we would have sex and you would get pregnant."

"I forget she did that. I'm so glad you told me about that. It made me way more comfortable about your mom knowing we were having sex. It totally backfired though. I remember being drunk as a skunk and refusing to let you leave my side because I couldn't stop throwing up and I was scared. I used to feel bad about that."

"Well I'm glad you don't anymore because nothing could have gotten me to leave your side. Not when you were too sick to defend your self. Especially not when you wanted me there."

"I'm so so glad that shifters don't have a lot of morning sickness. I don't think I cloud cope if they did."

My ears picked up the sounds of a car on gravel. They are here.

"Come on let's go greet your parents."

He took my hand and twined our fingers together. My nerves vanished all together. We made our way to the front door. When he opened it they were still getting out of the car.


She stopped what she was doing and smiled widely at me. Allison then saw me and ran at me. She used to knock me over when she did that but now it didn't do anything. I warped my arms around her tightly.


"I missed you too Ally Cat."

"My turn." Mom said and lightly pried Allison away from me.

"Oh my baby. I missed you."

She pulled away from the hug and held my shoulders in her hands.

"You look different."

"I feel different. We have so much to talk about. Hey Will."

"Nice to see you again Evelyn."

"You too. Now come on. Let's go inside."

Nick twined our fingers together again and we led everyone inside. They didn't even notice how touchy we were. I was actually really surprised. We led everyone into the living room.

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