Chapter 3- Shifter Life

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This chapter is a lot longer than the others. The chapters might end up being this length from now on but don't count on it. Let me know if the conversations are hard to understand and I'll try and go back and fix it. I wanted to show Evelyn and Nick's relationship. Picture is of Evelyn as a leopard when she first shifted. Any way I'll shut up now. Please comment!

Chapter 3 (Evelyn's POV)

Shifter Life

My stomach growled and I slowly opened my eyes. I was briefly startled when all I saw was a muscular chest but then I smiled at the memory of last night. I've never had such a great day, or night. I seemed to get everything I ever wanted within twenty four hours.

"Good morning." I murmured.

"Morning gorgeous. Do you want me to make you some pancakes?"

"Yes! I'm SOO hungry."

He laughed lightly. I wasn't lying. I. Am. Starving. He leaned down and gave me a kiss on the lips. I could very easily be the happiest woman alive right now. I smiled in to the kiss knowing he was probably listening to my thoughts. I don't know how to keep him from doing it but I really don't think I care.

The door creaked and I head someone come in. Both Nick and I growled at whoever it was for interrupting us. When I heard a laugh I broke the kiss to see who it was. Once I did I hid myself in Nicks chest. It was his mother.

"Oh Evie! It's ok, mates do that. I just wanted to let you know there are pancakes on the table and that we are back."

I cautiously looked over,"You left?"


She slowly left the room and closed the door behind her. I looked up to Nick. He was smiling at me.

"Don't even think about it."

I could see it coming. He was going to pull the blanket down and that would expose my chest and I know we would never get out of bed if he did.

"You are a natural. It's a hard thing to adjust to having a mate in your head."

"I think it's easy because I know you."

"If you wanted to communicate with someone who wasn't a shifter while you were in animal form you could do something called projecting. You more or less yell in your mind at the person but everyone around will hear it."

'And this is how to use the mind link between shifters' I thought to him.

"You just get more amazing everyday. It took me weeks to get that and you seem to have everything down. Come on let's get dressed so I can feed you."

We got out of bed slowly and, instead of hiding behind a blanket like I normally would have, I just stood up and stretched. Regardless of being naked. I quickly spotted my bag in the corner. I was just going to wear a pair of jeans and a tank top. I pulled my things out and dressed as fast as I could already smelling the food.

'God I love you' I heard Nick's voice in my mind.

I thought it would feel weird to basically read his mind but it felt so natural. Everything about being with him did. Thankfully he is taking his time to teach me about all of this slowly. Despite how easy it is to be with him I don't think it will be that easy with things that don't have much to do with Nick. I turned and Nick was fully clothed. He turned to me and scoped me up throwing me over his shoulder. I squealed and laughed lightly.

He began walking towards the kitchen. I reached down and before he could stop me I grabbed his butt. It was my turn to laugh. When we got to the kitchen he sat me down on the counter and handed me a plate of pancakes. I put some butter on them and then drowned them in syrup.

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