Chapter 2- Spiraling Out of Control

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I hope this one is much longer. It would help if you have read a few werewolf books when it comes to the explanation because I'm afraid the explanation I wrote isn't great. Please just bear with me. I can only hope that it gets the job done. Also picture above is Nick as a leopard.

Chapter 2 (Evelyn's POV)

Spiraling Out of Control

Someone was talking, I wanted them to stop. I felt the blood in me rushing so quickly that it hurt, everything felt tingly and half numb. I could feel the blood in my veins cold like ice. Apart of me was somewhat aware that I was coming to. Slowly the numb feeling started to recede and my icy veins ebbed into an even cool across my whole body. I became vaguely aware that I was laying across someone in an awkward position and the vague feeling I had morphed into a sureness that I had just passed out. Ever so slowly things started to come back to me. I was with Nick and he did something and I fainted. Nick turned into a black leopard, then I fainted. I opened my eyes slowly and gingerly, carful not to make anything worse. I felt my face flush and I brought shaky hand to cover my face.

Oh god! I fainted. I felt my cheeks flush even more. I cannot believe that I fainted. I became aware that Nick was sitting with me across his lap with his arms wrapped around me.

"Ev? Are you alright? You fainted." He said lowly brushing my hair back.

"I'm alright, I just can not believe that I fainted like that." I murmured as I moved my hand to my head.

"Believe me I was not surprised, considering what I just showed you."

I laughed softly, the vibration shaking my body and it was in that moment that I became aware that Nick was very naked. My whole body went warm and the thought of what I was sitting on resolved me of my laughter. Blushing, I went to stand up to remove myself from my embarrassment but I was still weak and unable to escape so I instead buried my face in Nicks neck and curled my arms around him, in hopes of hiding my embarrassment. One of my arms slipped and I scratched his back with my nails ever so slightly. His grip on me tightened and he dipped his head so that it pressed into the crook of my neck fully, his breath was warm and I couldn't hold back a shiver. My breathing changed as His face in my neck assaulted my senses. The parts of my skin not in direct contact with Nick's suddenly felt cold.

I pressed myself into Nick tighter and he let out a low approving growl. Slowly his tongue darted out and slowly moved against my neck slowly. Neither of us seemed to be in control of what was happening. I let out a light gasp as he started to suck. He moved his assault down to my collar bone, sucking and nipping everywhere in the area. I treaded my finger through his hair and tugged, letting out a moan as he his a spot that made the heat pooling inside me intensify tenfold. Nick growled again and trailed his mouth up my neck towards my mouth, pausing to nip at my jaw before he pressed his lips to mine. For a second it was sweet and soft before the kiss became aggressive and full of passion. I moaned again and arched my back, pulling him into me harder. He growled into the kiss and quickly trailed his way back to that spot on my neck and bit down hard, his teeth embedding into my skin. I was suddenly in fire, then a huge wave of happiness and love washed over me. Somewhere in the back my mind my anxiety and nerves were eating away at me for what I just did but I couldn't connect with it.

Nick pulled his teeth from my flesh and he lightly licked the spot, I couldn't stop the moan that left me from the sensation. He pressed a kiss to the mark before he moved up to press his lips to mine once more. I didn't hesitate, I kissed him back with everything I had. I was beyond all rational thought in that moment. I followed my instinctual reaction and lost myself in our kiss, and when his hand started to explore my body I let him. Whatever Nick wanted from me was his.

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