Chapter 1- A Reason to Faint

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Sorry if it's short I'm still not sure about length and I wanted it to end where it did anyway. I hope to have another chapter soon. I'm still going to update regardless of reads. I'm doing this for me but hopefully I'll get a few reads anyway. This is the first story I've ever shared so its not going to be perfect. I'm going to be writing and uploading from my phone as well. So that affects the length of my writing as well as a few other things. Picture is basically what I envision Nick looking like, the hair is probably half an inch or so too short and brown instead of black and the eyes are supposed to be dark blue but the picture gives a good representation of overall appearance, and cover is what I envision Evelyn looking like.

Chapter 1 (Evelyn's POV)

A Reason to Faint

"This is crazy, I'm crazy." Yeah and now I've moved on to the talking to myself car on the crazy train. I yanked my car door open, probably with a lot more force than necessary. Definitely with a lot more force than necessary if the thump-squeak sound that came from the hinges had any merits. I plopped myself into my tiny car, took a deep breath, and slipped the keys in the ignition to start it.

I was about to begin a trip that would consist of a two hour drive followed by a three hour ferry ride. All of which to go visit my best friend, Nick, with absolutely no notice. He called me before the sun rose this morning rambling about how much he missed me and how we needed to get together soon so would could talk. First it's not normal for him to call me that early, like really not normal, he knows how I am when I comes to sleep. Second, babbling game absolutely needing to talk is just the biggest cry for help. I scoffed at that thought. Something was definitely up if he was using that line on me. I honestly thought he was drunk. So as soon as I actually managed to pry my eyes open and actually feel like they'd stay that way, I threw a small overnight bag together so that I could go see him. It was just a few minutes ago that I had finished with my bag. Yet none of that made what I was doing any less crazy. I had classes tomorrow and an essay due the day after. One that wasn't even half done. Still as I delayed my departure by unnecessarily letting my car warm up, I thought back to the way his voice sounded on the phone, how distressed he seemed and I couldn't bring myself to stay home, even if it just sounded like drunk ramblings. With a quick check to see that my phone had connected to my car's Bluetooth properly and a glance to my coffee I pulled out of my designated parking space and started my drive.

I turned my music up and hoped that it would both keep me awake and ease the ever growing anxiety I had that something has gone or was about to go terribly wrong. I sang along quietly and slowly started to feel a bit more myself. Singing to myself, humming quietly, or taking to myself always seems to help me deal with whatever it was that gave me anxiety. Despite that I really wasn't a singer, not one you'd want to hear anyway.

I have only ever sang in front of four people in my whole life, with the exception of my parents when I was a small child, and usually under the influence of quite a bit of alcohol. First my sister Victoria who has changed drastically in the last few years, second my step sister Alison who is just as busy with school and work as I am, and lastly my best friends Eric and Nick who live over five hours away from me.

My step sister, Allison, has always treated me well. We are even closer than my biological sister and I are but don't get me wrong we still fight like cats and dogs sometimes. The making of true siblings they say. Vicky is a whole other story. She moved out of the house the second she turned eighteen five years ago, throwing is all for a loop. It was hard to adjust to her abrupt absence but eventually everyone adjusted to the change. It started out alright, she would visit and talk with us regularly, but over the last five years that regular interaction she had with us tuned into her only seeing anyone on Christmas and her birthday. It's definitely different now, that much is obvious yet my mom liked to act like nothing was wrong. That what Vicky was doing was completely normal. Yet everything was anything but normal, everything about my sister now sets me on edge.

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