Chapter 7- Information and Protocols

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Chapter 7 (Evelyn's POV)

Information and Protocols

Before my mind had fully processed what was going on I let out a snarl. My paws were moving before the sound stopped. I'll kill her. Plain and simple. All of my soundings passed in a blur. I was all animal. I didn't see red. I couldn't see past my anger to see red. I knew I would always remember today. If only for the scent and the anger it caused. I didn't think I could run that fast but I turned the twenty minute run into a five minute run. In a few swift movements I was shifted and dressed, storming inside. Nick was already waiting for me near the door looking concerned. I was too emotional to read him but he didn't seem to be having that problem.

"What happened? You had a moment of realization before your thoughts moved too quickly for me to read them. Only to immediately move to anger."

"Anger doesn't even begging to describe what I'm feeling right now." I said in a deadly calm.

"Can you tell me what happened? You look pretty close to an anger shift and you don't want to do that."

I shook my head no. The information just wouldn't settle. Nick went to put his arm around me but I simply moved away. Hopefully he would understand. This is too much to deal with and I'm going to snap. Eric came running through the open sliding door. He was panting and leaned against the wall in attempt to catch his breath.

"Damn." He panted. "How *pant pant* fast *pant* can you *pant* go? That should *pant* have *pant* been *pant* a twenty minute *pant pant* run. Not five!"

Nick glanced over to Eric. "She hasn't yet come to terms with the fact that she is remarkably powerful."

As I processed everything I couldn't even stop to argue with him like normal. Vicky was a hunter and I wasn't angry. I was hurt. So very very hurt that it struck me to my core. I had assumed that I would act on my anger as my snap but I was wrong. All of my anger changed to sadness in an instant. The tears poured out and I dropped down to my knees. Nick was next to me the second I started going down. He warped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. I just leaned against him and cried.

"Can you try to tell me what happened?"

I couldn't do anything. Couldn't feel past the utter betrayal. All I could do was sob into his chest and cling to him. How could she? It was a good twenty minutes before the tears dried up and my crying turned into dry sobbing. Nick just held me and rubbed my back comfortingly. I love him. And I don't think I could survive without him. With a shaky voice I started to try and explain.

"We ran to the east border. To clear my head and we were talking. When we got there we checked the border. I just wanted to make sure that border was still safe but when we got there that was another strange scent. The scents that we have been smelling are hunters. It was only one this time and I know the scent. It stopped outside our border by the public road and then weaves in and out. To make sure we know that they were there. I didn't make the connection as to why it was familiar at first because it's a scent I hadn't scented since I was human but I did after a moment. It's Victoria, Nick. She is doing this and it's deliberate." I chocked out.

"I'm sure she wouldn't hurt you and that she doesn't know you're on the opposite side."

A feeling of dread washed over me and I knew. It was like a sixth sense. I knew better than that. I should have know all along. She knew what she was doing. Victoria knew what was up the second she set it in motion. This is planned. So planned that she must have been waiting for years before the timing she wanted was right.

"No." I stopped and looked back to Nick. "She knows exactly what is going on and she always has."

"How could you know that?"

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