Chapter 11- Blissful Moments

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Chapter 11 (Evelyn's POV)

Blissful Moments

I sat down on the couch and let out a sigh. That was a lot of work. Including Nick and I, there were 17 people here for breakfast and honestly if Elsie hadn't helped me I wouldn't have been able to do it. It was a success but now I'm really glad everyone went their separate ways. My mom, Will and Ally went down to the beach a few minutes ago and Nick and I are supposed to join them in a bit.

"If you're tired I'm sure they would understand if you took a nap."

I turned and smiled at Nick. "No I'm not actually tired. Just thought I'd sit for a minute to take everything in."

He leaned down and picked me up only to sit down with me on his lap. I leaned my head down to rest on his chest. A contented smile made its way onto my face. His heart beat always soothes me. Here in Nick's arms nothing else really matters. It has always been like that.

"When do you want to go down?"

"Hmmm. I guess now." I mumbled.

A laugh vibrated through his chest and made me lift my head.

"What is so funny?"

"You don't seem very enthusiastic about going."

"I can be more enthusiastic." I said smiling, suddenly very happy that both of us were already wearing swim suits.

"Really now?" He asked.

My smile widened. "Yup." With that simple word I sprang up and run for the door. I could hear Nick's footsteps following close behind me and it only made me smile more. As I made my way through the back door I ran faster. I didn't even slow down when I made it to the stairs. Looking behind me I saw that Nick was close but falling behind on the stairs. Where he stepped on every one I found myself skipping one or two as I went. In no time my feet hit the sand and I started loosing speed. It was really hard to run. I hoped he would catch me. Right as I made it to the water I turned to see where Nick was only to have him crash into me from behind sending us falling towards the water. I let out a squeal and giggled a little. I landed on top of Nick and smiled happily, knowing he would never let me get hurt. I leaned down and kissed him. I wasn't sure where everyone else was but I really didn't care. I pulled away after a moment, not wanting to get too carried away when my family was so close. I don't think that they would understand. The cool water was only about and inch or so deep and would occasionally rise when small waves crested on shore.

I stood up and looked around. My eyes landed on my mom and Will a little further up the beach and Ally right by Nick and I.

"You didn't change any Ev, and neither did your relationship with Nick besides the fact that both of act like a pair of horny animals."

Nick laughed from behind me and I answered her by splashing her with the cool ocean water. She squealed and Nick laughed. I felt him come up behind me and wrap his arms around my stomach. I suddenly got very nervous that they would be able to tell that I was pregnant.

"Ev! It's cold!"

Allison smiled a sweet smile and laughed. My worries flew from my mind and it was my turn to squeal. She started to run at me so I myself ran leaving Nick to stand on the beach alone. Ally was always scarily athletic and I was hoping that my shifter speed would help me. Hopefully like it did with her hugs, the ones that used to knock me over. I could hear her pretty close behind me but I was still ahead telling me that I was faster than her now. I ran past my mom and then took a turn into the water. When I was calf deep I splashed my mom and Will, so they wouldn't feel left out. I didn't waste anymore time before I was waist deep in the water. Ally can to a sliding stop on the beach not wanting to touch the water.

"Ev, how are you in there? It's so cold!"

"Feels great to me!"

She made the funniest face I can ever remember her making. I laughed, knowing how it must look from her perspective. I smiled and splashed at her again. She squealed and ran far enough away that I couldn't get her unless I got out. I was splashed from behind and I squealed. Turning around I saw Nick a few feet away smiling at me. I simply smiled and splashed him back.

"You two are insane. It's flipping cold in there."

I smiled at her voice and relaxed in the water. The splashing stopped and everything went quiet. It stayed that was for a minute till Nick decided to break that science.

"What's for lunch?"

I laughed and turned to Nick. "Sandwiches unless you are cooking."

"Sandwiches sound good but I'll do it if you want, baby."

"Let's make them together. Anyone hungry now?"

"Yeah. I want ham and pickles with cheese and mayo." Ally eagerly respond.

"We will just have a ham and cheese with mayo if you don't mind, Ev."

"No problem."

Nick started making his way out of the water and I followed him. When we were both fully out of the water I jumped on his back, forcing him to give me a piggy back ride.

'It's not forcing me if I'm happy to do it, babe.'

I smiled. "Onward horsey."

Nick started to run across the beach which me securely on his back. I squealed but was really deeply enjoying myself. When we made it to the stairs he just kept going. He didn't stop running until we were inside the house in the kitchen. I slid down off of his back and we started getting the stuff out to make sandwiches. He sliced some cheese and pickles while I put mayo and meat on the bread. Between the two of us it was done and everything was put away before I even realized.

"See, you were worried for nothing."

"Please, it wasn't over nothing, I had a lot of reasons. It just happens to have finally worked out."

"Regardless it turned out fine."

"Yeah. It did, thankfully. It was close there yesterday."

"I'll give you that one. It was close."

I went over the the couch and pulled my cover up on. One of the reasons I stayed in the water is that I was afraid that they would see that I'm pregnant. This will give me peace of mind enough to not worry all day.

"Come on. Let's go eat with everyone."

We made our way back down hand in hand. This time though we walked. Me on my own feet. When we made it down to where everyone was we handed out sandwiches and sat down. All of us ready to enjoy the beach for what was left of today.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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