Chapter 8- Pack Meeting Dinner and Shopping

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Chapter 8 (Evelyn's POV)

Pack Meeting, Dinner and Shopping

I woke up sprawled out on Nick's chest. I groaned. I wanted to stay here forever but we have things to do today. Somethings more important than others. First we need to make sure Eric set up the new protocols and informed the pack. Second I need to call my parents. I wasn't looking forward to it. Even with everything going on Nick and I can't focus solely on the hunter problem and the pack. My parents are human. They can't find out that I'm pregnant before I tell them that I'm engaged. They wouldn't understand and would think I'm getting married because of the pregnancy and not because I found honest to god love. They also wouldn't understand us not saying anything or not getting together until it's safer. God not twenty four hours ago life was perfect. Why does it have to be so difficult?

"Morning baby."

"Morning love."

"Did you call your parents yet?"

"I just woke up!"

"Yeah but if I don't start pestering you now you won't do it. You're a chicken and very adept in the art of procrastination."

"Yeah. Your right. I still haven't told Jessica about us and she is my best friend and I usually tell her everything."

"See. I know you. If you had it your way you wouldn't tell your family about our engagement until they got the wedding invitation in the mail and they won't find out about the babies till they saw you pregnant or with them."

I sighed. He was so right. Damn him for knowing me so well.

"They can't find out that on pregnant till next month. That way it will line up with human gestation and not make it look like we are getting married because I'm pregnant."

"I know and I also know you haven't talked to Jessica or told her anything because she is out of state taking care of her aunt."

"Alright. Hand me my phone and let's get this over with."

He reached out and grabbed my phone. Them he typed in my passcode and called my mom. Finally he placed it on speaker.


"What? I'm just making sure you actually do it."

I sighed and waited for her to pick up.


"Hey, mom."

"Evelyn? Who's phone is this."

What? I looked at the phone and frowned.

"Oops. Nick handed me his phone on accident."

"You're with Nick? Why?"

"Yeah. I'd actually like you guys to come visit, Allison too. This weekend."

"Oh that actually works out wonderfully. Alison came home to visit and is staying here through next weekend so we have this weekend off."

"Great! You guys are staying for the weekend. I'll give you the address."


"Yeah just go with it you'll understand when you get here."

I swiftly told her the address and suppressed a sigh of relief. She didn't question it further for once.

"Dear you never answered my other question."

Aw crap. I can't answer any of her questions yet.

"I didn't answer because it was a stupid question."

"Your not going to answer me are you."


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