Chapter 5- Changes (part 2)

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I just realized that I always put Evelyn's POV in front of every chapter but I never change POV. I'm not even sure if I'm going to do a different POV. Not that I don't want to or think it wouldn't be a nice change of events but I'm not sure if it will fit. Also Nick's nickname for Evelyn is probably being read as something else but it's Ev - e. Fanatically that is. Not Eve - e. I hope is cleared up now. Again, picture is self explanatory.

Chapter 5 (Evelyn's POV)

Changes (part 2)

The view behind the house was breathtaking. The ocean just beyond the cliff that the house stood on paired perfectly with the towering redwoods surrounding us. It was the house that took my breath away though. It had a huge wrap around porch winding around it made of redwood. The cream colored house was probably two stories with more than a dozen bedrooms guessing by it's size. The house didn't look new but didn't look worn down. It looked like home.

"This house has been in my family for a long time passed from generation to generation. After my parents found out you were mine they gave it to me. I've been trying to get it perfect for you for a while now but it's still not done yet but it's only personalization left to do and I wanted to do that with you. Do you like it."

He sounded nervous so I was going to kiss him and tell him how much I love it but I froze as soon as I saw him. Nick was down on one knee with something small and shiny in his hands.

"I was going to do this at dinner tonight but I thought this would be better. Evelyn I love you, I always have and I always will, the moment we first made eye contact I was yours even if you didn't know it, I can't live with out you nor would I ever be willing to try. So, will you marry me Evelyn Scott?"

Yes. That's all I could think. Yes. Yes. Yes.

"Yes! Of course I will."

"Yes you like the house or yes you'll marry me?"

"Yes to both. I love you and the house is perfect."

He slowly lifted the shiny object in his hand and eased it on my left ring finger. The cold metal felt right on my finger, like it was meant to be. It was then that I first looked at the ring. A rose gold claudagh ring with silver accents to it. It was heavy. Like I never imagined a ring could have so much weight to it.

"Dear god it's heavy! Why is it so heavy?"

"It's very old and was made with Quil root by elders centuries ago so that it would stay with a shifter when they shifted."

"Wow I'd ask how it looks so new if it's that old but I honestly don't want to know."

"It's nothing too complex or weird. Quil root simply keeps it new looking as a happy accident and allows for change such as sizing and changing and adding stones."

"Do you have any shifter plants that help with morning sickness?" I asked as a snide comment.

"No. Come on let me show you the outside."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the porch. It had room for a patio set and opened to the forest like it would a back yard. As we walked around to the front I caught scent of the ocean.

'Mh. You smell like ocean and pine. Smells good.'

'Who has more control over there lust now?' He linked me reminding mea conversation we had a few days ago.

'Just because I can control it doesn't meant it's not there.'

He chuckled and we came to a stop at the front. It wasn't as big as the back but it was so much better. It looked out to the ocean and had room for a small patio set. Stairs led from the right side all the way down to the beach in a zig zag manner. There was a sliding glass door between the stairs and seating area. I would be having warm drinks out here every morning. It was so beautiful.

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