Chapter 4- Changes (part 1)

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Authors note at the end. Please read it! It is of high importance but I can't put it at the top because it will be a spoiler to my own book. It is very important. Picture is self explanatory.

Chapter 4 (Evelyn's POV)

Changes (part 1)

I haven't had a good sense of time lately. Until earlier today I thought it hadn't even been a month since I went to see Nick. We have been so busy and I haven't even stopped to think until an hour ago. Now that's all I can do. It's been two months and a week. I thought there wasn't much to shifter life but I was wrong. There is so much that every day a couple of pack members come down to my house and help Nick with the last of my training.

Nick was able to stay with me and pretty much moved in. It's just until school is over then we are going to find a place in pack territory. I was finished with class and heading home but I couldn't pull myself from my thoughts. I was officially finished with my schooling. Two months and seven whole days. That's how long I've been with Nick. I walked into something pulling me from my thoughts. I realized that it was a someone and quickly mumbled an apology.

"I'm sorry."

There weren't more than a few passing students in the hall and I was instantly on edge. Something about him set off alarms for me. They screamed at me to run. It felt odd because regardless of what he was I knew I could take him in a fight. But I still backed away quickly.

"Hello there little one."

The words sent chills through me and not in a good way. Everything screamed to get away. I noticed that there were only three others in the hall and they were making there way over to me. You could tell they were shifters by their sent and two of them were not from my pack. Even the two shifters not from my pack seemed safer than the strange man. He didn't smell human but no way was he shifter.

The female shifter from my pack grabbed me and pulled me further back and the two males stepped in front of us. They didn't smell like our pack but there was a mind connection. Rouge allies I'd bet.

"Leave her alone."

I didn't pay attention after that, I was too terrified. It wasn't a feeling that I was used to or liked. Even before I became a shifter I never really got scared unless it was something having to do with my feelings for Nick. I relaxed slightly when Emma pulled me into a empty class room. Following us a sent that instantly had me more relaxed, Nick. He pulled me into his arms.

"Emma how did a hunter get into the school?"

"I don't know there aren't any registered here but that is the only way they should be able to get in and those ones are usually unaware of their roots."

He turned to me,"Do you have any classes left?"

"No today was the last day before graduation."

"I can't believe it's been this long."

"Yeah. Me either."

I was surprised when Emma moved closer to me and started to talk to me. Like she wanted to protect me.

"We should all get back to pack territory. Some thing is up I just got word that there is hunter scent all over the edge of our territory."

"Shit. Evie we are probably going to have to stay for a couple of days. This isn't normal."

"Ok. It'll be nice to be back anyway."

Nick seemed worried about me but thankfully he didn't press the matter. I already viewed the area as home. It doesn't take much to get used to a new normal. All three of us moved as fast as we could in front of the humans. Even I could feel the danger coming. When we got to our cars we split up. Emma was going to go straight back to pack grounds while Nick and I went back to my apartment. I have three roommates and we don't get along. They are irresponsible and slutty.

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