Cat Descriptions

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River- Calico female, blueish green eyes, leads the House Cats, "kidnapped" by humans at around two years old (14 for cats) , love interest Thomas, best friends with Golden and Ash, currently 4 years old (28 in cat years)

Thomas- Light Brown American Bobtail, orange eyes, male, part of the House Cats, born into human home, love interest River, currently 4 years old (28 in cats years)

Kit - Dark Gray Manx Male, blue eyes, part of House Cats, was in animal shelter for first year of his life then adopted by River's family, apprentice to Sage, hasn't earned name yet, currently 2 year old (14 in cat years)

Golden- Golden Retriever male, brown eyes, only dog in the House Cats, adopted to be River's bodyguard, currently 3 years old (21 in dog years)

Sage- White Persian, Yellow eyes, part of House Cats, healer of the group, Kit's mentor, currently 3 years old (21 in cat years)

Shadow- Tuxedo cat, yellow eyes, part of the Strays, Two-Fang's second in command, currently 4 years old (28 in cat years)

Two-Fang- Blonde Maine Coon, orange eyes, has 3/4 fangs missing, lost a fang to River, leader of the Strays, currently 5 years old (35 in cat years)

Scruffy- Light Gray Siberian, brown eyes, Second in command to Two-Fang, part of Strays, currently 3 years old (21 in cat years)

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