Another Stray

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Hawk walked toward the old mansion. He crossed the road carefully. He for a second just stared. Hawk didn't really have a plan. He understood what he was supposed to do basically, but talking with them after so long made him struggle. He was about to enter when he heard cats approaching. 

"GET BACK HERE THIEF!" The voice yelled as the chased cat ran past him. 

That obviously wasn't one of Fang's cats, he would have recognized him. He assumed it was a random cat and began to chase. He ran past the other and pushed him into an alleyway. Hawk paused to hope that the house cat had began to wait for him to return. 

"Is she gone...?" The cat said nervously. 

The cat was a black and white cymric with Aqua colored eyes. He seemed about Hawk's age and being alone at 3 wasn't pleasant. Most older strays would find that an advantage and bully a younger kid. 

"Yes. For now."

"You're not attacking me? I'm a mangy stray who stole something. I'd assume you belong to the House Cats." The cat asked surprised.

"No, I don't. Now drop what you stole." Hawk said sternly.

"I need this! My brother needs this..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"We're strays without homes. We usually get our tails kicked by older cats and get stolen from ourselves. We barely have any food as it is..."

"Drop the kill."

"Those House Pets don't need it!"


The cymric looked confused and began to calm down a little. Hawk let out a sigh and apologized for snapping at him.

"I'll take the kill and give it to that other cat. Come back here alone at midnight. I'll have food waiting for you." Hawk said.

"And why should I-"

"Trust me. By the way, what's your name?" 

"Loki. And yours?" Loki responded.



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