Mutts and Dogs

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"Fang you know we fully support you, right?" Shadow asked, following Two-Fang up the cliff side.

"Yes, why?" 

"Then you should know this is a bit extreme! Most dogs hate us!" Scruffy said panicked.

"We'll need a new place to stay if we're being close to our foes. Plus their leader is a old one. He's doing everything he can to avoid enemies." Fang replied, sniffing the ground. "We're here."

The other Strays were in an abandoned alley, far away from dogs. Fang just had to make sure his plan with the dog leader would work. However his two friends had bad experiences with dogs. 

Suddenly they heard movement. 

"Stay perfectly still." Fang said, looking for the sound maker.

The noises continued. Scruffy made a movement, which made him step on a leaf and make a loud noise. A brown husky launched himself toward both Fang and Scruffy. The medium sized dog landed on Fang, and they began to fight. The Maine Coon was losing badly, since he was smaller. The dog eventually cornered him. Both Scruffy and Shadow were frozen in place. All of a sudden the dog let out a yelp.

"Get off my ear! I'll kill you!" The dog yelped.

The dog's leader had arrived. He was a husky with bright blue eyes. He had an angry glare and released his ear. However the leader seemed younger than most said. The brown looked frightened and backed down. Fang was bleeding badly and the scent of blood was intoxicating. 

"My apologies. Bruce doesn't know a cat from a threat. I believe you're Two-Fang?" The leader asked, wearing a calm look. 

"Yes I am. I don't think I know you're name. We're not exactly from here." Two-Fang said. 

"My name is Spark. I'm the leader of these parts. We should take you back with us. The scent of blood will attract hawks. We don't need them showing up again." Spark said, putting Fang on his back. 


Soon they had made it to the dog's base. It was a large waterfall. 

"We're not going in that right?" Shadow inquired.

"Well how else are we getting inside?" Spark asked, playfully running inside the waterfall. 

"I'm still on your back Spark! Slow down!" Fang yelled, clinging on as much as he could.

The others followed, the other cats reluctantly stepping inside. The waterfall led to a long tunnel made of rock. That led to a massive cave, decorated with vines and other vegetation. 

"Welcome to our home. It's pretty cool down here, mostly because we're now underground." Spark said. "Bruce! Get our healer to the main den!" 

"Don't tell me you're gonna show those cats to your parents!? Your dad is gonna be mad with us both!" 

"We'll be fine. Just get the healer." Spark said. 

"Who needs a healer!?" Called a voice.

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