Scruffy's Nightmare

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Scruffy walked into his part of the cave and laid down. He let out a sigh. He didn't mind training but it still tired him out. He rested his aching muscles. 

Why am I so upset!? I'm lucky to be where I am!  Scruffy thought to himself.

He rolled over feeling shock go through his body. He let out another groan. He bit his tongue to deal with the pain. He put his paws over his head and managed to get a sliver of rest.

~Scruffy's Dream~

The cat opened his eyes looking around him. He wasn't in the cave he slept in. He noticed he was surrounded by kittens. All looking like a different version of him. He approached one touching their shoulder lightly. The thing turned to a blur and disappeared. The other kitten he could only assume was also a mirage continued as if the other was still there. 

"What the-"

"Hello sweet ones. Let's go inside for sleep!" A pleasant voice called.

He watched the kittens leave for the door. He was trampled and he realized the about mirages he thought up. He looked at the ground. He noticed his paws way smaller than usual and he wasn't his usual height. He was a kitten again...

He heard the pleasant voice get closer.

"Oh hello there CINDER. Why are you still outside." The voice said.

Without thinking he mouthed out the first word that came to mind. 


"Mother Cinder. Call me mother..."

"Yes Mother..."

He felt as if he wasn't in control. The word mother hadn't ever left his mouth like it did just then. The word hurt him deeply. He was oddly used to nightmares of the past. He wasn't used to this part of his nightmare. 


Who was Cinder...

He was...

"Come inside. Come inside. Come inside. Come inside. Come inside. Come inside. Come inside. Come inside." The cat kept repeating. 

Scruffy was scared to the core. Why was this so important to him, and why now!?

He let out a low hiss. The other cat jumped in surprise. He never heard what the other had to say and he didn't plan on it. He ran for the door hoping that would end the nightmare.

He made it through the door and began to hyperventilate. 

He heard the chant from outside again and tensed. He looked outside fearfully. 

"What will we do with the runt. He's useless to us." Mother said with a disgust.

"That runt is my son. And I'm taking him." Another cat said. He could assume that was his father.

"Why? And you plan on leaving!?" Mother argued spitting out each word.

"Yes I will. I'm tired of your cult brain. I'm saving him since he isn't corrupted..." Father said, standing his ground.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING CULT BRAIN!?" Mother snarled, her claws out.

"YOU THAT'S WHO!" Father yelled.

His father didn't get another word out. The sick being he called his mother pinned him. She dug her claws into his neck and watched blood leak from it. She made a swift move and his father began crying. He coughed blood and begged for mercy. He didn't get that mercy then and never did. 

Scruffy ran to stop the madness and ran through them. He let tears fall and screamed for help. He didn't get help. All he saw is his mother's claws before everything went black.

~Dream End~

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