The Strays

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"Keep moving soldiers. We're almost here. Almost near those house cats." Two-Fang spat. "Boss we've been walking for an hour now. Can we rest our paws?" Scruffy asked, stopping and laying down. Two-Fang swiped at the light gray feline. "Of course we can't! We have to get there before the ceremony is over so we can ambush them!" He yelled, striking the Siberian. 

"Calm down sir. He merely made a suggestion." The tuxedo cat said approaching him. She rubbed the scratch mark on his nose, before looking back at Fang. "You know better than to side with Scruffy, Shadow. He doesn't do good for your intelligence." Fang chuckled, as he ordered them to keep moving. Shadow gave Scruffy a hug, as a few stray tears fell from his eyes. To him it was pathetic, so he brushed it off and followed Fang. 

After a while, they made it. But they were quickly caught. "Why if it isn't Two-Fang. Or I should say, One-Fang!" River snickered. Fang growled in her face. "Watch your tone, house pet." Sage stepped up. "Why have you come all the way here. Your base is a while away. Half across town. You were looking for a fight weren't you, Fang?" Two-Fang gave her a look. "This is between me and River. Not you." "You seem to care so much about that fang, that you would drag yourself here to, what? Intimidate us?" Sage asked. "It's not the fang I'm upset about. It's house pets wandering our streets! Stay in your loving home if you like it so much! Us cats shouldn't need a human to survive! We should be able to hunt and forge and raise a family! Without them!" Fang yelled. Sage paused. Clearly Two-Fang was about to burst a blood vessel. "Just leave. It's not our fault you never had a human." Sage said calmly.

Fang looked back at his second in commands. They kept avoiding eye contact. Scruffy even began to scratch himself excessively. Shadow stopped him, rubbing his neck. There were plenty of cats that felt uncomfortable. "Let's go." 

Sage watched them leave proudly. River walked up to her. "I'm glad you calmed the situation before a fight broke out." 

They headed back inside. Soon it was dark and the cats went home. Golden immediately fell asleep. River laid next to Kit.  "Hey River?" Kit said. "Do we really need humans? I mean, we are able to handle ourselves outside." "Well of course we can. It's more comfortable with humans because you don't have to worry about hunting and possibly dying." River replied. Kit nodded and fell asleep. Kit rested, dreaming of being a wildcat and doing as he pleased, purring throughout the night.

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