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River and her cats made their way to the Waterfall. Blood, who stood at her side had a smirk. He had deceived them all. 

He hid with his dogs away from the fight. He noticed Fang step out from the entrance with Spark and Ace at each side.



"What brings you here. A fight?" Fang said baring his teeth. 

"Yes. But I have a few rules we should both play by."

"Step in front. When we begin to fight, everyone can begin."

Fang turned and looked at Ace. Ace nodded and agreed with such terms.


Fang stepped forward and the two circled each other. Fang awaited River's first move patiently. 


Fang turned to look before getting clawed by River. The fight had begun.

Fang instantly went after River and began clawing her sides. Shadow stuck with Hawk to cover each other. Ace and Spark attacked any cats they got their paws on. Scruffy watched from above on a tree branch, keeping an eye out.

Blood snarled and climbed the tree knocking Scruffy out the tree. He landed, barely missing getting stepped on and looked at his opponent.

"BRUCEY!? YOU BETRAYED US!?" He yelled with hate.

Blood, now exposed, didn't hesitate. Bruce pounced with claws out and bit into his neck. Scruffy let out a whine and dug his claws into Bruce's eye. 

"AGH! MY EYE!" Bruce exclaimed.


Bruce's dogs ran from hiding and began to over run the king. Ace and Spark fought as many off as they could. 

Scruffy watched dogs fight and clash. He felt anger. None of them should be here. Scruffy quickly turned around heavily bleeding. It was a surprise he was still standing. He jumped up and clung to Bruce's throat. As much as Bruce clawed and tried to tear him off, he only clawed deeper. The cat didn't let go until he felt Bruce stop fighting back. He released and collapsed from the amount of blood leaving his body.

Bruce hit the ground with a thud. His throat bled badly and he felt the life draining from him. The cat before him had defeated him. Or they tied. They were...equals. He watched Ace and Spark run from his dogs. They hadn't even noticed him bleeding out. He was...irrelevant. The reason he wanted to be king. So he was acknowledged for his power. He lost. 

Scruffy was having his own thoughts. He watched his friends fight and hoped they would beat the House Cats. They had to win or it would all be for nothing. He was going to die here. He didn't know when but they would find him. Dead or alive. Hopefully. Everything slowly blurred as they watched everyone continue...they were irrelevant in their last hours...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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