Death Day

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Death Day

That's what Fang called it. Hawk had been there for a week and today was the day. He indirectly had told Loki and the gang about it. Just to protect them. Only to protect them. 

Hawk fiddled with his paws on the border of the city and the forest. He thought back to the House Cats. Thomas was on edge but he warmed up to him overall. River treated him as nothing had happened at all. Sage and Golden were as warm towards him as before. Meadow kept her calming attitude but after hearing the full story she seemed too cold.

Hawk heard noises and noticed Loki's arrival. He had been alone and wanted to make sure he was okay. Hawk smiled.

"I'm fine Loki. I'm waiting on Two-Fang to get here. It's almost dawn."

"Why dawn?"

"Everyone will be resting. It will cause panic if no one suspects it. Plus, I don't need a cover for why I left around that time."

"Good point."

A noise came in the direction of the forest. Hawk and Loki turned their heads toward the noise. Fang had arrived. He got most of his cats and some dogs from Ace to come with him. Scruffy, Shadow, and Spark were keeping an eye out for any House Cats.

"Smart idea Fang!" Loki complimented.

"Are you helping us Loki? This is a dangerous mission." Fang inquired. 

Loki nodded. 

"Very well then. Let's move."


After a short time of preparing, every animal had a flaming stick. All the animals were inside the base of the mansion around a base of kindling. On Hawk's signal, they would each drop it on the kindling and run outside. Fang, Hawk, and Loki would stay inside and trap anyone they could to cause more trouble. 

Hawk let out a sigh and raised his paw. 

"NOW!" Hawk yelled slamming his paw on ground. 

The fire started and began to grow. All the others fled while the trio began their plan. They walked up the stairs pushing open doors so they would smell the smoke. House Cats woke up and began to panic.

"FIRE!" One called watching as everyone became worried. 

Hawk, Fang, and Loki made a run around the corner and made a run for the third level.

River awoke and saw the tails move around the corner. She assumed some cats were running the wrong way and woke Sage. 

"Sage! Get Golden and Meadow and tell them to help some cats escape! I saw some run around the corner!" River yelled.

Sage nodded and the three ran after them.


"Well what now!? The third floor has no escape!" Hawk panicked. 

The third floor was a viewing room that covered the entire floor. Outside it was the roof. Loki froze before walking backward. Hawk and Fang questioned him as he charged the window, breaking the glass. They heard voices approaching and decided that they would distract them so no one could notice their escape. 

Sage saw them first. She ran to attack them as Hawk and Loki began running. Fang decided to fight Sage, letting his friends leave. Meadow and Golden ran after them.


After a while, it was just Hawk and Meadow. Hawk kept running and made it to the other side of the building. The staircase was burnt and the fire had somewhat diminished. He carefully made his way down it. The fire was stronger on the bottom floors by a long shot and falling through a crack could kill you. 

Meadow was less cautious and a crack had formed underneath her paw. She accidentally stepped on it and felt the ground crumble below her. 


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